19. Winning This

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Skyler P.O.V

I woke up the next morning at about 7:00 connecting with Art first, he was going to send cars over to pick up everyone I recruited last night. I was getting drunk at the end of the night, but hopefully I got a lot but I didn't care, Nora was the real winner here. She managed to build a pride of 15 people and that was amazing alone. I looked back at her sleeping, knowing she was drunk last night as well, after we got back in I had to make love to her. She's falling for me and I'm opening to her more and that's a good thing even if there things I don't want her to know.

"Art." I said connecting with him.

"Almost there Alpha just ten minutes away." He said as I disconnected with him.

I pulled on my shoes and walked outside seeing most of the people already outside including the vampire girl from yesterday. I never got her name and after a little thinking I wanted her to come with us. I mean I don't think Henry has any vampires on his team she could be useful, so I walked over to her.

"Hello woman, I never got your name yesterday." I said and she moved back from me.

"Its Rima." She said nervous.

"Good, are you coming with the others today?" I asked and she backed away again.

"Stop moving back from me!" I yelled making her stand still.

"I want to, but only if you let me." She said with a shaky voice.

"Well I do, and while I don't know much about you vampires I know you don't run in any packs or Prides. I'm trusting you with my life and more importantly the only thing that really matters in my life and that's Nora. Don't make yourself regret this." I said grabbing her shoulder tight.

"I won't to do anything to you or Nora." She said cringing in pain. 

Nora P.O.V

I woke up when I heard the sound of glass breaking and I jumped up running out the room into the kitchen to see Sky.

"What's going on?" I said in a panic.

"Nothing kitty cat,  just get dresses Art is here picking up our new members." He said never making eye contact with me just to my expose breast.

"Oh, you know I'm happy you took me here really helped me, thank you." I said walking to him.

"That was the plan kitty, I love you and want you to be happy." He said smiling down at me.

"You have changed since I met you, more open, loving, and I can never get sick of that smile." I said touching his chest.

"People change when they fall in love." He said kissing my forehead.

"I know look at me walking around naked in front of you, falling in love was the best thing that happened to me." He looked a little shock by my words tilting his head to the side.

It was cute how he acted like a dog sometimes.

"Go get dressed and I'm not a dog....pussycat." He said as I walked away.

We pulled up to the house and Skyler walked out quickly heading for the house but I followed. He walked into his office but I headed for the steps.

"Nora come with me." He said before I could leave.

I walked over to him and he grabbed my hand walking me into his office where his father stood with a look of disgust already.

"Skyler nice to see you here with your......mate." He said in disgust.

"What do you want?" I said angry.

"Not to talk with you." He said angry back.

"Well I'm the one that you're talking too, so show some respect in my house or I'll force it out of you." I said stepping closer to him.

He just looked at me then glance behind me looking at Skyler who I could feel behind me. He cleared his throat then back away slightly.

"I have come here to talk." He said looking at Skyler.

"I knew you would, you can't start a war with me because it would make you look bad, fighting your own son. That's why you sent Ryan here to start the war with me instead." Skyler said.

"I knew I raised a smart boy." He said fixing his tie.

"Anything else?" I asked him.

"Yes, I spoke to your friend Henry and boy did he have a lot to tell me, I guess we both have a common interest in you." He said walking pass me.

He walked into the hall heading to the front door but stopped looking at the mixture of people that stood there.

"This is what you're doing to my house, turning it into a fucking welfare office." He said looking back at Skyler.

Skyler pushed me out of the way walking to Hank in anger, I could see the glow in his eyes. Hank opened his mouth again but before he could talk Skyler shifted jumping at him but he moved back shifting into a large white wolf that was beautiful.  The two circled each other as the triplets walked into the room  moving to me. Everyone in the house just stood there in awe of the two very large wolves but I didn't. I know he's an ass but Skyler would regret killing his father so I moved to him grabbing him around his neck in a hug.

"Skyler don't do this." I whispered to him.

He glanced at me but when Hank growled he pushing me back forcing me to shift with him. I stood there covered in fur and Hank couldn't take his eyes off of me. I inched closer walking around him backing away, I put my head down waiting for my moment to pounce on him but before it could go any further Skyler's mother ran in. She looked at her son and husband, but she stopped looking at me with anger and disappointment in her face.

She walked to her husband ducking down and hugging him tight softly kissing his nose and he looked to her. She whispered something to him then stood, making him slowly walking out the room. She turned looking at the new panthers in the room.

"Its lovely to meet you all and I welcome you all to my family, Nora dear may I speck with you in the other room." She walked away.

Skyler looked at me nodding for me to follow her, and I start to do just that as Art walked to Skyler's side with a star struck look on his face. I followed her into Skyler's office and she handed me a large robe and I shifted back. I quickly wrapped myself and the look on her face was very unhappy.

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