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Skyler P.O.V

I looked around the yard as everyone sat up food and chairs for this celebration and slowly pack members showed up. I spotted the four young boys from earlier and I smiled at them, I looked at the youngest one a African American kid with a nice hair cut. They all stayed together but with time that will fade away as they learn to trust us more. Looking at the boy only remained me of the monster that was my father and how he would react seeing a boy like him in my pack. Art walked over to the boys and his face lit up like a light, guess he really likes Art.

"Art." I said walking over to him.

He turned to me smiling as I placed my hand on his shoulder, and the little boy looked to the ground.

"How are you Alpha?" Art said smiling.

Art is my oldest friend really he was a cousin but still my bestfriend and the most loyal person I have ever known. I started talking with him and he told me the four boys name as the back yard filled with everyone I walked into the house looking for Nora.

"Jorge lets go, I'm not going to say it again." Nora screams filled the house.

"Nora, stop yelling." Grand's voice came after her.

I followed her voice and noticed she was not thinking just yelling which is a bad thing for any person. I walked into Jorge's room and saw them standing there. Jorge had tears and rage in face and Nora did to without the tears.

"What's going on here?" I said walking into the room.

I listened to Nora as she though about the problem and it was the Jorge didn't want to try and shift because trying hurt. I felt sorry for the boy because shifting for the first time or trying to shift did hurt like hell but Nora was right.

"Jorge you have to try and shift, the longer it takes more painful it will become. You should have shifted maybe two or three years ago." I said to him and he walked to me.

"Maybe I just don't have a cat in me." He said still crying.

"You do and its begging to get out but if you keep acting like a baby it will never come out." Nora yelled at him.

I looked at her and then to grand who just watched the scene play out in front of her.

"There are other young here and some of them have never shifted before. Its not a thing for everyone  to shift in one night, but I will tell the pack to get there young that are ready to shift, so you don't have to do it alone." I said and he smiled walking back .

I looked at him and I didn't notice till now that he had flowers underwear on and a flower band wrapped around his chest they were all red roses. I looked to Nora and she had on a long flower dress the had a train over the floor of all blue flowers and so did Grand but her flowers were white. I contacted Art telling him to prepare the young and dress them in flowers.

"Why are you wearing flowers?" I asked her.

"We wear this to shift in, red for the ones that haven't shifted, blue for the pack leader, and white for the elder leaders." She explained to me.

It gave me an Idea for tonight, its not our way but since it is hers it is mine now. I looked down at her mark and she reached up touching it seeing me look at it.

"Dame it, ever since he marked me all he does is look at it and every time I turn hot. I cant be turned on doing this other wise my cat is going to rape him when I turn." She though looking at me.

"Your cat can, if she can catch me." I said grabbing her hand.

She blushed remembering I can hear her and I smile as she hit my chest. I need to shift anyway, she really did a number on my back and chest and that would heal them. She though I was the animal but she turned into a cat from hell when I marked her. I smiled at her as Art told me everything was ready.

"Get my walker Sky." Grand said making me mad.

"Grand I told you to call me Skyler or Alpha and no I don't get things for you." I yelled at her.

She looked at me pointing to her walker and just because I didn't feel like yelling anymore I grabbed it for her and she slowly walked out the room and Jorge followed. I released  Nora when she pulled back from me fixing the flowers that covered her body.

"Son, can I speck with you?" My mother voice rang in my head.

"I'll be back soon." I said walking out the room and Nora nodded.

I walked out the room running into Rose making her bump into me.

"Is Nora in there?" She asked and I nodded.

She looked down at mark just on my neck and smiled running into the room with Nora and yelling.

"Oh my god, you did it?" She yelled followed by Nora's giggle.

I smiled as I walked to the front of the house were I could feel my mother and the triplets. I walked in seeing them and the three where wearing black dresses.

"What's wrong?" I asked my mother walking to her.

She looked at me then slowly moved to the side showing my father standing in disgust looking around the place.

"I can smell her from here." He said walking to me.

Me and him where eye to eye now and I'm sure at this point I'm stronger then him but for my mother I didn't want to start anything I could avoid.

"You can smell what from here?" I said taking a big step to him but my mother stood in front of me.

I looked back when I smelt Xavier coming and he stopped next to me with a frown on his face.

"Alpha Hank, didn't think you were still welcome here." Xavier looking at my father.

"He is not welcome here." I said loud to him.

I looked back when I heard shuffling on the floor and saw Nora walking with Rose. The women stopped next to me and Xavier and I smiled down at the beautiful woman next to me.

"This filth is your mate." Hank yelled out pointing down at Nora.

Nora moved back and I could feel that she was hurt and anger filled me like never before. I felt my wolf begging to taste his blood and I moved to him.

"No, Sky." Nora said grabbing my arm and feel of her made me look back.

"My family lived in this house, my mother and father lived in this house and you would let her and her people sit at my table. This disgusting, nappy haired....nigger." He yelled.

I pulled from Nora and in a flash I had him by the neck and all I heard was a loud scream from my mother. He looked at me as I slid his back up wall squeezing tighter on his neck hoping to just snap it. I smelled Art run into the room followed by the smell of Hanks pack running in to. One reached for me but was stopped by a unseen force telling me it was Xavier.

"Sky!" Nora yelled grabbing my arm and pulling.

"Don't sweetie, if you hurt this trash it will start a war and we don't need that." She whispered to me.

"He has already started on, I don't deal with disrespect to my Luna or me." I said as he struggled.

"Let him go please." My mother said at my side.

I looked to Nora and I could see the sadness in her face and I let him go letting him fall to the ground. He chocked trying to breath as his beta picked him off the ground.

"You don't ever come to my house again or you will not be this lucky!" I yelled to him.

He stood grabbing my mothers arm in a way that I also didn't like pulling her along with him. I looked to my sisters that all stood there emotionless to what happened like always. My father and his pack walked out leaving my sisters with me.

"Its time for the celebration." The three girl chimed.

"Lizzy, Lisa, Loran shut up." I said to them and they all walked away.

They are right we need to start this before it was to late. 

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