< breadchoi

He sent it, waiting and staring at his phone until he got a response.

wangass >

< breadchoi
please help me

wangass >
what's wrong b?

< breadchoi
can I tell you about a dream I had last night

wangass >
of course, what's on your mind?

< breadchoi
this is really going to sound insane but just bare with me okay

wangass >

< breadchoi

< breadchoi
I had this dream last night. I got accepted onto asc hangout. and I got to talk to youngjae and it was so amazing... and he ended up finding my instagram and making a fanpage for me so we could talk. we talked for a long while, and I thought it was just some catfish because they kept trying to convince me that they were youngjae but I didn't believe them. we ended up meeting one day and it was him. it was youngjae. we got chased by photographers and so many rumors got spread about us. youngjae said that he loved me... it was so beautiful, woojin. he was so beautiful.

< breadchoi
so youngjae and i became a thing. we were dating, everything was so fucking beautiful and we were so in love. there was the problem of him being an idol and me not being one, so I trained and joined got6, and we were got7. jinyoung let me be leader. it was so amazing. and then, you came in. don't take it weirdly okay, but you came into my dream. you showed up to the got7 showcase for the new song that featured me. we ended up meeting after the showcase because you're my best friend. it was amazing, seeing you and your face and everything.

< breadchoi
but things started to turn. when we met outside the showcase, people took pictures of us and started rumors that I was cheating on youngjae with you. I had to do so much explaining to prove that it wasn't true. but eventually they believed me and everything was okay. got7 agreed to hangout with you, since they believed that you were a good person, plus I told them how much you love jackson and jackson was super excited to meet you.

< breadchoi
so we did. we met at a fast food restaurant, and jackson kept hugging and flirting with you the whole time. it was really cute, okay. all of us went back to the dorm, and you came along with us. you and jackson were cuddling in his room when he said that he would protect you and that he liked you. that day we had forgotten about an award show that we had to go to, so you stayed at the dorm while we went off to the venue. we won the award for best song of the weekly charts, and it was amazing. it was so amazing, woojin. but then I woke up.

< breadchoi
so yeah... that's it...

wangass >
holy shit, bum

wangass >
that's fucking incredible!

wangass >
what's the problem here that's amazing

wangass >
also I'm honored that you dreamt of me

< breadchoi
it felt real

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