Chapter Four

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As he expected, Treyan saw the horse and rider trotting at a leisurely pace only a few lengths ahead of him and growing nearer with each step. The Borderlands stood out in the distance, and he couldn't tell if the horse was overtired or if Reylor was taking his time before reaching his unwelcome destination.

No guards needed to escort Reylor to the Borderlands. With a punishment as severe as his, riders were sent out to the watchtowers along the outskirts of the bordering tree line to relay the message as soon as the verdict was delivered- kill on sight, they would tell them, if he dared return. Reylor knew he was being watched even if no one was nearby. He knew that if he lingered and did not cross over before the suns hit high noon, his banishment would be nothing less than a death sentence.

The Borderlands were a formidable threat. Stories were told around campfires of the terrors that lived beyond, and young children were threatened to be left there if they willfully left their beds at night. Treyan knew better, of course- he had personal knowledge of what lay beyond and knew the inner workings of the Empire well enough to know that, stories though they were, some truth lay behind them.

Members of the royal family could never cross beyond the line - once one entered the Borderlands, they were...changed. The ragged outcropping of the dormant volcano had been used as a prison for centuries, and there lingered a certain dark magic that even the Council never dared speak of.

A shiver ran down Treyan's back as he slowed his horse to a slow walk. The night was growing chilly, and he needed to make haste before it was too late. The less time he spent near the Borderlands at night, the safer he would feel.

"Reylor," he shouted as he swung down from his horse, holding the reins tight in his hand.

The figure before him stopped but did not turn to face him.

Treyan considered this a small victory and continued approaching.

"We can fix this, Reylor."

His brother turned in the saddle to look at him, the growing light of dawn shining on his brother's blond hair, as if the light tried to cling to him for as long as it could before he was left to the darkness forever.

"There is nothing to fix." His voice was steady- any sign of fear had faded, or else he was exceptionally good at deceit.

"There is, and you know it." Treyan had almost caught up to him now, but he remained a safe distance away. His brother had become unpredictable, and he wasn't about to give him any reason to lash out.

Jumping down from his own horse, Reylor turned to face his brother, maintaining the distance between them. In the shadows he already looked different, as if he had indeed given up everything they once had in a moment of insanity.

"And what makes you think I want to fix anything?"

Treyan motioned to the desolate land beyond. "This is not worth it. Whatever it is, whatever can be done—anything is better than this."

"Says the one who gets everything he wants in the end."

Treyan shook his head. "Will you stop it? You know that's how this works! You've always known. Why? Why now?"

Reylor glanced over his shoulder towards the Borderlands. "To be honest, brother, I think even desolation would be better than the torture I'd receive having to spend the rest of my life with you."

Treyan's jaw dropped. Never had his brother held such contempt for him, and he was beginning to believe the Councillor may have been right during their last conversation.

"At least here..." He gave his future home one last glance before turning back to Treyan. "Here I'll at least be free from the chains that have bound me since birth. Free from feeling like I'll always be second place, and free to do and love what and who I want."

Treyan's Promise | The Empire Saga Novella #2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon