Chapter Three

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The Empire - Years Earlier

Treyan blinked back the haze as he watched as his brother ride away into the crisp night air. The Council of Lords decided to banish him after the suns set so as not to draw attention to themselves from the neighboring village commoners; the less people knew about Lord Reylor's betrayal the better. They set him off with a horse, the clothes on his back, and a meager pack of supplies- just enough to last a day, two if he was careful.

Reylor was never one for survival on his own, especially out in the unknown Borderlands, but the Council of Lords had decided this was the best course of action. As Crown Prince, Treyan had no choice but to acquiesce.

The night was cold and getting colder. Treyan wondered how soon it would be before the snow fell. Chances were it would fall sooner and be colder in the northern Borderlands.

Sighing, he leaned his folded arms against the cool marble rail of the balcony as Reylor's figure disappeared over the horizon. Not once did he look back, never a glance. After the Council's decision, it appeared Reylor couldn't wait to leave, which pained Treyan even more than having to deliver the final verdict.

Going against the Prophecy and the Annals was blasphemy within the Empire- Treyan knew it, Reylor knew it. Yet Reylor had chosen to defy that which was expected of him, calling his brother a coward, and refusing to follow him. They had a clear purpose and refusing to follow their predestined path would only sink their all of their lives into chaos.

At least, that's what they were always told.

Treyan allowed his anger to get the best of him once he let if fully sink in just what his brother had done. The only one who should have dreamed of the Empress was him- it was his destiny to find her, bring her back to the Empire, and complete their circle. But after Reylor first dreamed of the Empress, he began believing that the Annals were a mere book used to control the royal line for some nefarious, undiscovered purpose. Obviously, Treyan and the Councillor rejected these accusations, the Councillor most passionately of all. Treyan was never given the chance to speak to him one-on-one after the punishment was delivered. Perhaps if he spoke to the Councillor about his concerns, let him know his displeasure in his inability to talk sense into his brother...

As if he knew Treyan's thoughts, the Councillor quietly appeared next to him on the balcony.

Treyan glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. He wanted to blame the Councillor for banishing his brother so swiftly, for no other reason than he needed someone else to accept responsibility. The other side of his mind told him that the Councillor had done nothing wrong, and like Treyan, was only following his duty.

Still, it didn't make being near him- or anyone- any easier now that he knew they had delivered his brother to almost certain death.

"It is time to begin our preparations, my prince," the Councillor broke into his thoughts.

Glancing at him, Treyan knew exactly what he was talking about, but he was not in the mood to deal with the subject.

Without waiting for a response, the Councillor continued. "If our calculations are correct, based on the information you've provided, we believe we have pinpointed the Empress' location. The suns will align appropriately in a fortnight, and our Key will be ready-"

"I don't want to go."

Treyan sensed the Councillor's eyes on him. "My prince, that is not an option."

"I said, I don't want to go." Treyan turned to him then, his temper flaring in his blue eyes.

He knew the Councillor sensed his frustrations, for his tone changed. "My prince, let us retreat inside. The night grows cold, and there is much to discuss within the warm confines of the palace."

Treyan's Promise | The Empire Saga Novella #2Where stories live. Discover now