Hold Me Now-Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

    "L-L-Lo-" Harry gasped as he fell over, tumbling to the ground. The three boys sprung up, Zayn and Niall grasping his hands as Louis grabbed Harry's legs. They carried him to a chair and started to tie him down, although Harry had no idea where they got the rope.

    A sudden shot rang out, and Louis' eyes rolled back into his head. Harry watched in horror as his boyfriend once again crumpled to the ground, dead. Looking up with rage, Harry was surprised to see Liam there, a smoking gun in his hand.

    "Finally, I've wanted to kill him forever," Liam said, putting the gun away. Harry's jaw dropped, tears streaming down his face. Liam curled up into a ball of the floor, screaming his lungs out. Harry was confused as to what was going on, and glanced over at Zayn and Niall.

     Harry gasped as he saw his two mates were tied up on the ground, back to back. Scratches and wounds covered both of them, and Niall didn't seem to be breathing very much. Liam stopped screaming, and Danny was all of a sudden there, helping Liam to his feet.

    Together, they both turned to Harry, matching grins on their faces. Out of nowhere, a girl with blonde hair came, a gin in her hand, pointed at Niall's unmoving body. With a nod, Liam and Danny charged at the girl, tackling her to the ground.

    The bonds holding Harry were gone, and he dashed over to Niall's pale body. He tilted Niall's head back, his fingers searching the boy's neck for a pulse. Finally he found a very faint pulse, and breathed a sigh of relief.

     "Harry," Zayn croaked, turning his head to see the younger. Harry hurried to his side, his body shaking. "You have to save Niall." Someone grabbed him by the back of his shirt, pulling him into the mess behind him.

    The girl was on the ground, unmoving. Danny was the one who had grabbed him, and he was pinned under him. Liam leaned down to Harry's ear, pressing the gun to Harry. "Harry, I need you to kill me."

     "What? No!" Harry said, shoving the gun away. "Liam, I can't do that!" Liam's eyes glazed over, and his body went limp. Danny now had a gun, and it was aimed at a person behind Harry. Looking back, Harry spotted Greg, Des, Mr. Howl, and Yaser, definitely outnumbering Danny and Harry.

    Finding strength within himself, Harry dashed back over to Zayn. As he collapsed next to the raven haired boy, he found himself face to face with Yaser. Suddenly, Zayn's bonds were gone, and he was tackling Yaser. Harry watched as Mr. Howl and Danny fought, and Greg made his way over to Niall.

    Knowing Zayn would kill him if he didn't, Harry rushed to save Niall. Greg was beating and kicking Niall, who was hardly conscious. Two gunshots ring out, and Harry's head snaps up to see that Mr. Howl and Danny had shot each other, both of them laying in a puddle of their own blood.

    Another shot makes Harry's head twist to see that Zayn had shot his father. Zayn throws himself at Greg and they roll around a lot. Harry didn't know what to do. People were dying left and right. Harry crawled on hands and knees to the door, wanting to get away from the craziness.

    "Where do you think you're going?" Bobby asked, yanking Harry back by his hair. Harry cried out, watching his father's foot stomp down on his chest, knocking the wind out of him. "Lights out, curly," Bobby laughed as he pulled out a knife. Harry screamed, and Bobby brought the blade down into Harry's chest.


    Harry woke up screaming, tears streaming down his face. He didn't know what was worse about the dream, the fact that he had Louis taken away from him again, or that he had died. Suddenly, the door was flung open, and Des stormed in.

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