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Spyro made his way to breakfast slowy. He was thinking about his friends and how happy they are with there mates. But Spyro he had no one in his life. I'm nineteen years old and no one to share my life with. Nothings going to change I'm always going to be alone. So I just need to accept that so why does it still hurt so much. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Blaze being his goofy self pulling jokes on everyone. Then spyro walked in and everything went dead silent. So quiet that you good hear a pin drop.
Spyro so why are you here. I'm hungry can I not eat. Well I don't know after all that. Na I'm just kidding get up here you goof ball. There for a second I thought you ment for me to find new friends. That want to be friends with a purple dragon. Lots of people would love to be your friend Spyro.
You really think so Glacia? I know so spyro I was one of them before I met Blaze. This made spyro upset but he didn't show it. Well guys I'm sorry for earlier about talking that way about Malefor. It's just that I don't want to be thought less of with him here and all. Spyro you are our best friend why would you think we would compare you to Malefor. Well he's a master I'm just a student in training. We know Spyro but Malefor doesn't have the one thing you have. This caught my attention really fast. What do you mean by that Blaze. From what I've heard from the guardians is that Malefor doesn't have friends. He just has people that depend on him to help that's it. Well that not cool Malefor should have friends he's the most powerful dragon to ever live. Not all masters have friends Spyro. They all turn their heads to see Ignitus standing there. When did you get there? About three seconds ago I was listening to you guys talk and please when he gets here don't bring that friend thing up okay he doesn't like answering that question. Oh and I'm also here to tell you to meet us in the training room after your done. Okay Ignitus we will. Good day to you sir, bye Spyro.

Part 5 coming soon.

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