Forever- Harry Styles Fan Fiction

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(A/N: Aight, bruhs! If you intend on reading this lovely story, I suggest you read A Summer Like Old Times- Harry Styles Fan Fiction. Believe me, it'll make a lot more sense. It was a bit more lovey dovey and not near as well written as this book by any means, but this book is worth it!.. Well, now you may prepare for drama. If anyone would like to make me a cover or whatever for this book, put it in Twitter and tag me @harold5s0s (that's a zero btw). BTW I'm starting to do what the author of After did and make a short list of songs I think fit the mood. Now, I know you're all cute as a button, but I'm quite quick and 5, 6, 7, 8...)

Playlist For This Chapter:

-Love Your Love The Most (Eric Church)

-Home (Phillip Phillips)

Chapter 1- Good to be Home

Kaylieh's POV:

I stepped off the plane and glanced around. The familiar smell of Georgia hit me. I smiled to myself and skipped down the steps. I quickly grabbed my luggage from the conveyor belt inside and went to my car in my overly priced parking spot. I shoved the key into the ignition and drove away from the crowded airport.

I pulled up to a Starbucks, grabbed a coffee and drove to the park by the Coca Cola Factory. I slowly walked to a bench and sat down beside a young man, while watching some kids play in some sprinklers.

I watched them as they got their clothes soaked and ran through the cold water. They didn't have a care in the world. They simply enjoyed their vacation from the heat in the cool of the water sprinting in every direction. I chuckled as a little girl ran up a tagged a little boy in the arm.

"You're it!" she yelled.

"Aren't they adorable?" the man's voice spoke up beside me.

I looked over and met his kind dark brown eyes with mine. He had brown hair and a bit a scruff around his chin. He was slightly buff but not steroidal by any means. He looked maybe 25, but I really don't know.

"Oh my gosh, yes. I love kids. They don't have a care in the world. They're just so innocent and playful and joyous. Kids have such a different mind set than adults.. Well, most.." I laughed at the thought of Niall.

"Well, that was pretty deep, darling. Are you always that thoughtful?" he asked.

I sighed. "Not really. I've just done a lot of thinking lately," I said shaking my head.

"When I think a lot, usually half of Atlanta has a blackout and there's a small explosion in Canada," he said chuckling at his own joke.

I laughed. I actually laughed. I was feeling like myself.

A tiny girl with two short blonde pigtails sprouting out of the top of her head came running up wobbly to the unnamed man beside me.

"Hey, Lulu," he said sweetly to the child.

"Tan I hab an ouscheam?" she asked batting her eyelashes.

"Of course, sweet. Do you want something?" he asked looking at me.

"Oh! No, but thank you!" I said smiling.

He reached into his back pocket, grabbed a billfold, took out five dollars, and handed it to the girl.

"Take this to mommy and get her to get you some 'ouscheam.'" he said mocking the child.

She nodded and took off running. I giggled at her cuteness.

"Is she your daughter?" I asked him.

"Oh no. She's my niece. That's Lux."

My jaw involuntarily dropped. How did that not click? I am a complete idiot. I've seen Lux and Lou in many of Harry's pictures. That was unmistakably Lux. Lou's daughter.. And if that's his niece.. then that's means Lou is-

"Hey, Kaylieh! What are you doing here?!" she asked excitedly.

I looked around awkwardly.

"Lou! The question is, what are you doing here?!" I asked in a fake excited voice.

"Oh, just had to pick up some new make up stuff and decided to visit my wittel brudder," she said ruffling his hair.

I giggled as he tried to put each hair back into place. Oh Lord. Two Teasdale fashionistas!

"We'd better get going, Will," Lou said grabbing Lux under her arms and pulling her onto her hip.

He reluctantly stood up. Lou nudged him, winked, and walked away.

"Before I leave, could I get your number?" he asked confidently.

I blushed a little, and we exchanged numbers after finally verbally exchanging names. Haha. That sounds more like something that would happen at a club than at a park.

"See ya, Kaylieh," he waved.

"Later," I said smiling.

I had smiled. I had laughed. I hadn't shed a tear. It was good to be home.

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