Chapter Twenty-Five: What She Left

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-Chapter 25-

And that's when I found it. 

The necklace.

The one that Mailey had been wearing that day.

The one she had said was her "good luck charm."

I snatched it up and shoved it in my bag without thinking twice. Talk about decisive evidence.

I ran back to the tour bus, ignoring any Directioners that might have tried to communicate with me. I wasn't sure if there were any or not; I was too focused on what I just found. 

"Find 'em?" Liam asked, yawning.

"Wh- oh, um, yeah," I stuttered. "I'll be back, lads. Need to make a call,"

And with that, I left the room with the bag.

The one thing I loved about this whole thing was that I got to say "lad" in an unintentional British accent. 




So? Who do you think did it and how? How is Jon going to react? How did the culprit find the time to do it? Just things to ponder... >:)


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