Chapter Eighteen: What In The World...??

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Because I have 1000 READS on this, I decide to let you all have the next chapter. Don't kill me because it's suspenseful XD

Enjoy and thank youuuu!!! :D


-Chapter 18-

Jon lead me through a spacious dressing room of sorts with huge mirrors surrounded with bright lightbulbs onto the stage. Nothing could be heard but the sound of our footsteps echoing around the empty stadium. It was an amazing feeling. Like I should be the one performing.

Of course, if there were really people in the audience that were expecting me to, I'd run back into the wings and hide.

"Here she is," Jon said, snapping me out of my daydream and showing off his keyboard.

"Wow," I breathed.

It was fancy. Really fancy. The keys were sleek and shiny, probably smooth, too, but I didn't dare touch it. I guess if you're a professional that's the kind of thing you get.

Jon sat down and turned it on. He pressed a few notes to make sure it was working.

The first note was LOUD. It echoed for a solid 3 seconds. We plugged our ears while Jon turned it down.

The second note echoed beautifully around the arena.

"Give it a shot. What notes have you got down so far?"

"Ummm..." I thought for a second. I'd never been so nervous before! "I... I got to... Cause I can love you more than this!" I remembered.

"Play for me?" He posed it as more of a question.

"M-me?!? But I'm not nearly as good as you! And... And I don't want to put fingerprints all over your keyboard!"

Jon chuckled. "Go for it, I don't mind. I'm sure you're great!"

I cautiously walked over to the piano and tried to remember what the note I started with was.

I took a deep breath.


*When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just don't feel right...* I thought the lyrics as I played.

What came next??


No no no!!!


Not quite...

"That's where I'm stuck," I admitted.

Jon looked at the notes. "Huh. I think you have it in too low of a key. Try starting with a D#." he suggested.

"Ok, here goes nothing..."


No, not C! How could I screw something up like this in front of JON SHONE??

But he chuckled. "Here, let me find my sheet music. Maybe it'll help you out." He winked at me before leaving the room.

I smiled a little.


Jon had been gone for almost 20 minutes. I stood up to see if I could find him, but before I could take a step something weird happened.

I felt dizzy. I wanted to sit down but couldn't find the chair. I felt like I had touched a portkey like in Harry Potter, because something felt like it was yanking at the back of my nose. I felt tingly all over. As if I had been in the air, I felt my feet hit the ground.

My eyes went in and out of focus. I wasn't in the same room anymore. I felt heavier than usual, and older.

I saw a tall figure dash out of the room.

I was in a dressing room, the one I'd walked through to get the stage with Jon. There was a closed leather book sitting on the table, but I didn't think anything of it. I was distracted by the mirrors surrounding me.

I looked up and saw my reflection.

What the....!!!

I looked exactly like Jon.


I was Jon.

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