Chapter Sixteen: SUSPENSE

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-Chapter 16-

Paul began to speak.

"Beyond this door, the people you came here to see are waiting-"

We all shrieked.

Paul closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He waited for us to calm down before continuing. "Anyways, thank you all for coming to tonight's concert. If it weren't for people like you, One Direction wouldn't be here. Remember, you may take pictures and get autographs, but, please, and I say this in the nicest way possible, do not harass or attack them. You could... get in trouble. Is that clear?"

We nodded. Each of us had identical giddy expressions with crazed grins.

Especially that ten-year-old.

"Any questions?"

I hesitated before raising my hand. I didn't want to word this wrong.

"Yes?" Paul pointed at me.

"Um, will we also get to meet the, er..." Ah, crap, what are they called again...?? I thought frantically. I was talking to PAUL!! I can't screw this up!! "...instrumental guys of the band too?"

Yeah. That MUST be what they're called.

I felt myself blush.

Paul nodded. "The whole band is behind that door-"

We shrieked again.

"I-n-c-l-u-d-i-n-gggg..." he tried to continue by stretching out the word until the freak-out died down. "the drummer, Josh, the keyboardist, Jon, the lead guitarist, Dan, and the bass guitarist, Sandy."

I nodded.

Paul turned and walked toward the wall across from us. That's when I noticed the door that blended into the wall very easily.

Oh, so THAT'S what the girl next to me was looking at before...

He grasped the handle...

It turned...

It was pulled open...



Sorry it's short, just holding onto the.....


I hope it's working XD

Please comment something! Ideas for future chapters, suggestions, compliments, constructive criticism, questions... Anything you want to see later in the story or what you want me to know or consider!! Or even ideas for other books I could write! It really does help me keep writing :)

I've been working on chapter 20 of this and I don't thing I've ever been so stuck. I hope you like fantasy because I'm thinking if I can't get out of my writer's block, one of the characters will have to do the impossible. XD

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote/comment/fan/share/read my other stories!!

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