Chapter Nine: The Date

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-Chapter 9-

Friday, March 30


Beep. Beep. Beep.

No, I'm not getting up.

Beepbeep. Beepbeep. Beepbeep.

I don't care how fast your beeping gets. You can't force me out of bed.


Oh, shut up will you?!?



I slammed my hand on the snooze button. All at once the beeping stopped, leaving a ringing in my ears.

I peeled my eyes open, only to result in them drooping back down. I moaned.

"Cynthia! Are you up yet?" my mom called from somewhere downstairs.

"Coming," I answered back to her, my voice cracking.

I went down the stairs and choked down some dry cereal. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag before heading over to the bus stop.

There I found Samantha. She looked tired as ever. Pale complexion, bags under her eyes, slouching.

"Hey," I said as I approached her.

She grunted in response.

I couldn't hold back a small smile.

Immediately the bus pulled in around the corner. Samantha shuffled in in front of me as I tried to look as alert as possible.


After school, I ran up to my room to start my homework. I pulled out whatever was on top. Math.

[Solve the linear system 3x>9y+2 and x<5y+7. Graph. Explain how you got your answer.]

I sighed. Like I'm ever going to use this in life.

I picked up a pencil and wrestled my tangled hair out of my face. It only took me about 15 minutes to finish the worksheet.


[Write a five-paragraph essay on the Big Bang Theory on the back of this sheet.]

I jotted down a few ideas on the front and tucked it away for later.

Flipping through my planner, I found out my teachers were pretty nice in letting me off with just that for homework.

I went downstairs to grab my iPod. I jammed some earphones into the plug and listened to I Wish by One Direction.

Then I remembered.

Their concert was tomorrow!

My heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing One Direction, no matter how far back I was among the crowd. They haven't been to Florida, or at least anywhere close to where I live in Florida, since I've loved them.

I called Samantha to fangirl with her, but I just got her voicemail. I was about to try again when my mom burst into the room.

"Get ready for your concert!"

"My concert? I'm not the one - oh yeah..."

I felt my face get hot as my brain shifted from One Direction's concert to my piano recital.

I jumped up before my mom could say anything and grabbed my music off the piano.

I jumped in the passenger seat of the car, and Mom soon followed me and sat in the driver's seat.

"Do you have everything?" she asked.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"Ok," she said, and we drove off.


After the recital, I went straight to the piano to work on some 1D songs. Now that the recital was over, I was allowed to again!


I jotted down those notes. This time, I was planning on doing the background music while Samantha sang the words. We decided to try out for the school talent show in our senior year when we were only freshmen. We decided at the beginning of the school year on Kiss You, since their album had JUST come out and not everyone had heard it yet.

I was about halfway through the chorus when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID.

(850) 401-6278


Why was he calling me now? I always feared the day he'd break up with me! He and I had been bickering over small things lately. I didn't want him to leave me though!

"Hey Ky!"

"Cici! Hi! Um, I want to talk to you about something,"

Uh oh.

"Do you wanna go out on Sunday?"

"What? Oh, uh, sure!" I felt myself blush as I sighed of relief. Kyle and I had been dating for about a year now, but I still blushed every time he asked me out. "What time?"

"Um, five, six-ish?"

"Works for me," I giggled.

"Great. See ya then!"

"Bye babe,"

I hung up. I tried to focus back on the music.

Chords. Chords. Um...

#C#G-AE-B#F...high A-#G-A-#G-#F-#G-#F-E...

I wrote down these last few notes and hurried upstairs. It was already 10 o'clock and I didn't want to be tired in the morning.

I had a concert to go to!


Hey guys!

Comment feedback on this story please! I'm kinda getting stuck and want to improve! :)

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