Chapter Twenty-Two: The Call

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-Chapter 22-

With every bump of the van, I was another bump farther away from home.

I was scared. Though the boys cheered me up plenty, I still felt embarrassed the entire time. Dan pulled out a deck of cards and started dealing.

My phone rang.

"Who's that, Jon?" Sandy asked me.

I shrugged, pulling out Jon's phone and worried which famous person I'd have to talk to as if I knew who I was and who they were.

I suddenly realized how smart Jon was.

(850) 279-2500

My number.

"It's - I don't know," I told them. I flipped it open.


"Wow is it weird to hear my own voice over the phone. You got a minute to scheme?" my old voice said on the other end.

I chuckled. "Sure, sure." I covered my hand over the phone. "Just a minute. Continue your daily lives." I told the boys. I headed to the back of the van where the bunks were, closed the door, and lowered my voice.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Well, your friend Samantha asked me how it went. I objectively told her about it, though she called me an 'overly obsessive fangirl.' So I'm not sure how to take that," he said.

"Take it as a compliment that you can act like me very well. Anything else?"

He laughed. "Well, I wanted to say one thing. I remembered something from earlier today. That 'figure' that ran out of the room, remember? Someone was backstage with me, and I asked whoever it was what she was doing. She was reading some sort of book. Well, maybe not reading, but... Whoever she was was a lot younger than me, and she did something... that's the part I still don't remember. You saw her run away. Ideas?"

I took a moment to take it in.

"You're sure it was a 'she'?" I asked him.

"Positive," he confirmed.

"Ok. Well..."

I thought. Who was that person who had run out of the room? What else was there...?

"Wait...! There was a leather book on the table. Whoever it was must have left it behind!" I exclaimed.

I heard the boys go silent for a minute. I lowered my voice.

"How far are you down the road? Say you forgot something!" Jon told me.

"We've only been driving for about ten minutes. Quick, what's something you would've forgotten?"

"I don't know, just think of something that's not your phone! Hurry!"

Jon hung up.

I had no time to lose.



I'm really curious how well I've set this up.

Do me a favor? Comment one word: The name of who you think did it. Yes, it's a person. XD

Was it Harry? Niall? Louis? Zayn? Liam? Sandy? Dan? Josh? Tessa? Mailey? Brooke? Kacey? Samantha? Dylan? Cynthia's mom? Paul? Even Jon himself? WHODUNIT???

Can't wait to hear what you guys think. :)

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