TWO - Home?

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It was almost the end of the day and Blake and I had been called down to the office numerous amount times, Chris in tow. This was the 16th time we were being called down.

"There they are" Our principal, Ms. Pines walks towards us as we walk through the office doors. "Come here kids" she takes us into her office where two police officers are seated.

"This is Officer Clay and Officer Kiara. Officers, this is Blake, Jackie and Chris" she introduces us.

"Cool! When I grow up I'm gonna be just like you" Chris says as he looks up to Officer Clay who gives him a small smile.

"So you kids have never seen him before?" Officer Kiara asks Blake and me. Both of us shake our heads, to which Chris gets upset.

"They're my parents!" Chris says proudly, crossing his arms over his chest, defensively.

"And you don't know how he got here?" Once again we shake our heads to her question.

"All we have about his parents is this" I hand her the picture that Chris had shown us earlier.

"You guys sure you're not the parents? Cuz that looks awfully a lot like you but a few years older." Officer Clay comments.

"I think she would remember giving birth," Officer Kiara tells Officer Clay, clearly speaking from experiencing.

"We know he was with his parents yesterday for sure. And I also think they were going somewhere. He has two extra pairs of clothing in his bag and some toys." Blake tells them while I play with Chris's hair causing him to relax about the conversation taking place around him.

"How can you say?" I ask

"Well, when my younger brother was around 3, my mom would do that when we went somewhere. Especially if we were going out of the country. And if he's anything like my younger brother, he probably wanted to carry the bag so he could feel like a 'big boy'" He answers as he air quotes big boy.

"I'm three years old! I am a big boy!" Chris, once again, crosses his arms against his chest, defensively. He was quite smart for a three-year-old.

"Hey Chris, do you know where you were going before you lost your parents?" Officer Clay asks him.

"Mommy said we were gonna go to kangaroo land where there would be lots of Kangaroos. But then I fell asleep and I woke up and I was in someone's car and there was a park so I let myself out and then I saw daddy kissing some lady who wasn't mommy. Daddy, you should only be kissing mommy-" Chris goes off on Blake

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