THIRTY - Pain and Comfort

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Pain and Comfort

**TW: blood and violence

I ran through the alleys and the streets, yelling out his name. Blake and I ran around frantically. I desperately tried to ask the strangers on the streets if they had seen Chris, describing him and showing them a picture of him on my phone. Blake called officer Clay, asking him for updates about Chris and his family, explaining the situation. Once the call ended, he too ran frantically, trying to get any information he could from strangers.

"Please, have you seen him? He's wearing a necklace, just like this one" I asked a lady on the street, showing her my necklace "Please he's my son" The lady shook her head and continued to walk on.

"I don't know why kids these days decide to take big steps when they can barely take care of themselves"

"So irresponsible"

"They should have thought about maturing up themselves before they decided to become teen parents"

"It's like protection doesn't exist for them"

"What do they know about life. Lost their kid now, didn't they? That'll teach 'em to think twice before they get in bed again"

Nasty comments flew around the area as the tears verged at the brim of my eyes. Not at their comments. But at the helplessness I was feeling, being unable to find him.

"Mommy!" His voice yelled in pain, louder than he had been yelling before. I turned to Blake and we both took off in the direction we thought the voice came from. Blake running ahead of me as I tried hard to keep up. Blake would turn around now and then to make sure I was keeping up but would then take off in a sprint.

"Daddy!" His voice yelled in the same pain again, sounding nearer than it had before. My hand shot up to my mouth, my mind running wild at the various thoughts of what he was going through.

"I'm coming Chris!" Blake yelled as loud as he could, hoping his voice would reach him. He sprinted ahead to find him.

"Somebody please help me!" His small voice cried out desperately from an alley I passed by, making me stop in my tracks as I called out to Blake who was far ahead of me. Deciding not to wait for him, I run into the alley.

The tears fell out of my eyes as I saw him. I wanted to be happy that I was seeing him again. But the blood dripping from his arm made me run to him, falling beside him and taking him in my arms. He flinched at first, his eyes looking up to me, relaxing at the sight of me.

"I'm here baby, I'm here!" I kissed the top of his head, cooing in his ear as he continued to cry in my arms.

"I'm here baby, I'm here" I take notice of the two people standing in front of me, mocking me as I comforted my son. "Leave. Right now. You little bitch, you had your little fun pretend family. But he's our son. So, stay out of family matters"

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