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Grayson's PoV

"Mia...." I repeated for the millionth time. I couldn't get over how just saying her name made me feel. Like a lovesick puppy.

"What's your name?" She asked me softly, making my ears twitch. Her voice is so melodic. She was fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist, a small but noticeably cute action.

"My name is Grayson Jones." I smile taking her small, soft hand into mine. Her smile grew so much that she had to bite her bottom lip. This made my face to burn. She immediately knew what she had done when my wolf lets out a whimper. She covers  her mouth and giggles. Even her giggling makes me whine.

"You're totally whipped." John interrupted. I ignored him, focusing my attention on my beautiful little mate.

"Grayson, do you want to come to my room?" She asked nervously tugging on her bottom lip.

"I'd love to gorgeous." I smile. Hopefully letting her know that she doesn't have to be afraid of me. I'm not a psychotic monster like some mates. *cough cough* Vince and Vinnie.

Mia squeezes my hand gently before turning and pulling me out of the kitchen.

"I guess I'll just wait here." John calls out. He's a big boy, he can look after himself. My mate wants to take me to her room, I have to go. I want to go.

Mia leads me to the back of the house where we make a left and continue down a hallway. I tried to focus on how we got to her room so I could come back but, her body was distracting me. Her legs mostly. I want to touch her, all over. Slowly, I could feel my wolf creeping to the surface. He wants her too.

Finally Mia pulled me into her room. And of course her scent was everywhere. I inhaled the coconut waterfall happily.

"So..." Mia says closing the door behind us. I turn around watching her.

"So, how old are you Mia?" I want to know everything thing about her.

"I'm eighteen. How old are you?" She smiles, playing with a piece of her curly hair. 'I want to play with her hair,' Maz whines. It looks so soft.

"I just turned seventeen a few months ago actually."

"What day?" She beams, not caring that I'm younger.

"December 2nd." I smile holding my hand out for her. Instead she rushes to me and wraps her arms around my waist.

'She's like a little kitten.' I awe in thought. She shall be my cute little kitten from here on out.

"Tell me everything about you little kitten." I say guiding us over to her bed where I lay us down so we're face to face.

"May 3rd is my birthday but, I was adopted so I consider the day my adoptive parents found me my birthday. Which is December 1st." She smiles wide. Obviously her adoption is a special part of her life.

"I can just imagine your cute little baby face." I laugh. Absentmindedly bringing my hands up to gently rest on her warm, chubby cheeks.

Then, I realize just how much I want to kiss her. I'm mesmerized by her plump, glossy lips.

"Grayson?" She giggles.

"Sorry...you're just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Quickly, she leans over and pecks me on the lips. Then retreats to dimples and giggles. This innocent creature leaves my heart pounding and my wolf excited.

I'm oh so tempted to just say I love her but, if she doesn't feel the same I'll  literally cry. I shouldn't rush this.

"Your accent. Australian right?" She asks, somehow pulling herself closer to me.

"Correct. I and my beta that threw the grape at you are visiting from Sydney."

"What's an alpha from Australia doing here?" She asks, reaching up to touch my hair. Gently, her fingernails draw soothing lines into my scalp.

"Well, my sister happens to be mated to both of the alpha's here at Edan Black."

Mia sits up in a hurry. "We finally have a Luna?"

"Well of course. Didn't you know? She's been here for quite some time now." How could she not know about Bambi? Her luna.

"Quite some time!? I've heard rumors of a girl wondering the mansion but that was weeks ago. No one thought she was actually here."

"Well that's odd. Why wouldn't there be an induction ceremony?" I'll definitely have to talk to Bambi about that one.

Mia shrugs the best she can being that she's laying on her side. Just then, I notice the bulge underneath her white shirt. For the next minute or so I'm mesmerized. Fantasizing only on what's underneath that shirt and how badly I want to touch.

It's when she giggle that my daydream ends.

"Umm...we where just about to go to dinner with the alphas and my sister. I'd love it if you'd accompany me."

Her response is a kiss that lasts nowhere near long enough but I love and accept it nonetheless. As I do all of her.

"Of course I'll join you." She smiles wide before jumping up from the bed.

I'm sitting up when the door bursts open and in comes a gasping john.

"I found my mate! Your sister and her mates are screaming at each other but I found my mate!"

"Woah, woah. Their screaming at each other? Does it sound bad?"

"I'm not sure but dinner is looking skeptical tonight." John heaves.

I groan. Why can't Bambi and her mates just get a long? Oh right because there's one mate too many.

"I better go make sure no one gets rejected." I sigh pulling myself up from the bed. What on earth could they possibly be fighting about now?


Authors Note

I know this was shit and short but the writers block is real and I needed to be done with this chap to move on. So bare with me, it's my birthday (09/28) so spare me. Please and thank you.

Until chapter 23, peace.

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