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Just a heads up, I know no one reads these but i have created a playlist for when I write these chapters and I'd just like to know if anyone would be interested in what I listen to? Leave a comment maybe.

Vinnie's PoV

"No Greyson! This is not home! Do you know that I haven't been outside since I got here. I'm not even allowed to leave the bedroom. The one friend that i have her spends all of her time babysitting me when those two idiots are gone! I can't see anyone, I can't talk to anyone. I can't even sit on the balcony because it might be too dangerous! Oh and on top of all that, even if I tried to go to the beach I couldn't surf. You know why? Because they split my board in two! They split, papa in half Greyson! On purpose! So this is not home, I hate it here! Ali said its getting cold outside! I don't even own a long sleeve shirt! But I don't have to worry about it because I am not allowed to go outside! Greyson, I have never in my life said this but I'm sad. I feel like I'm being suffocated."

Before I could hear anymore I left. I couldn't stand to hear her so upset. Vince stormed out at the 'this is not my home' part. How could she say that this isn't her home? I know that we have a lot of rules but we're only trying to protect her. She's the white wolf for God sake!

I didn't think we were asking too much. She's a small girl in a world with filled with thousands and thousands of really big a.ssholes. That all wanna bed her. It's my duty as her mate to protect her, no matter what.

I'm pretty sure Vince locked himself in his office as did I. Once Id calmed down a bit, I called my mother to tell her that we couldn't make it to thanksgiving dinner. I didn't tell her why, nor did she ask. I think she just knew.

Figuring it's best if we all just keep our distance for a little while, I only left my office to pee.

The first pee break I wanted to go cuddle her so bad but, I think she's still upset. And I should give her space. Right? I can't tell what she thinking.

The second pee break was around 2 am. She was bound to be asleep, so I found a little spot on the floor in my office that was cool. Hard, but cool. There was no way I could sleep without her in my arms so I just stared at the ceiling and watched the hours pass by. There were a few knocks on the door, I knew it was Sam but I told him to go away.

I couldn't stop thinking about her and all the things she said. She hates it here. She hates it here because of us and our overprotectiveness. There are a million things that could happen to Bambi if we just let her run wild. And there's a million things that could happen to her in that room. She could hurt herself because of how unhappy she is. She's already taking antidepressants to balance her emotions.

When I think about it I don't think she's taken a pill yet. When I think even more about it I don't even think we took the prescription to be filled. Dammit! I make a mental note to go and fill the subscription later on.

We're such a.ssholes. We keep her locked in a box, we barely remember to feed her, and we've made her sad. No wonder she hates it here. S.hit I even forgot about her mouth, I'm pretty sure her wisdom teeth are coming in.

I'm a terrible mate. I'm supposed to make her happy, so happy.

I should talk to Vince about some of these rules. I don't wanna upset my princess anymore.

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