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We hit 4K!!!!! I've been putting off this update until we hit it so I could thank you all. So, THANKS A TON💕 (just as a little reward, that probably won't mean anything to anyone, first commenter gets a dedication in the next chapter)

Bambi's PoV

"I'm going, so the both of you can shut up and deal with it." I was pissed now. The boys where refusing to let me out of our room wearing leggings and no bra.

"If you think we're just gonna let you walk around like that, you're crazy. There's like two dozen horny pricks outside right now," Vinnie argues, leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

It's not like I'm running around naked, geez. Can I not be comfortable?!

"That's not my problem! You know what frick the both of you!" I send them both the middle finger before grabbing my phone and pulling the duvet up from the bed, the chocolates Vinnie brought packed inside, and carry the make-shift pouch into the bathroom. I close and lock the door behind me.

If they won't let me go anywhere in my comfortable clothing they won't see me either.

I dump the duvet and its contents into the bathtub then climb in, getting comfortable. I plan on staying here as long as the boys are being petty.

I'm wrapped in the white duvet like a burrito and munching on the first chocolate bar when they knock.

"Bambi would you please come out here. This is childish," Vince sighs.

Childish? They're the ones who won't let me go anywhere!

I disregard their continuous attempts to talk me out of the bathroom and scroll through Instagram. I hadn't posted in a while. I wiggle an arm out from the burrito and snap a selfie.

When your boyfriends refuse to let you go anywhere... #BurritoBambiInBath

Immediately after posting the selfie two dings sound from the other side of the door.

"Nice picture princess," Vinnie chuckles.

How dare they have my post notifications on. I can't even have social media to myself.

"If you're gonna throw shade you could have at least tagged us," Vince joins in on the laughter.

"F.uck the both of you! And don't like my picture!"

Of course when I look back at my phone they're the first ones to like the picture. Asshats.

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Vince barks.

"Just let us in, I need to touch your body baby..." Vinnie whines.

My body starts to tingle at Vinnie's comment but this is a war and I have to win. Their strategy is to sweeten me up until I crack but, I will not crack.

"You can touch on this body when you stop being mean to me! And don't tell me to watch my mouth you s.hithead!"

Vince was more than likely fuming at my foul language by now. I could tell by the silence that filled the air. I waited patiently for someone to say something but nothing.

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