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Bambi's PoV

"Because, I'm a white wolf..." My voice is hushed as I speak the words, not wanting anyone else besides the boys to hear my fatal truth.

It's done. The secret has been revealed, shows over. Now is when I see true colors. Will the boys love me all the same? Or try and take advantage of me? I pray to the goddess, asking her to help me in my time of need.

The room is silent and at a complete standstill. No one has said anything, no one has moved. Two sets of chocolate orbs stare fixated at me. Like I've just told them that I am a rare wolf, created by the moon goddess herself. With powers that can put any pack on top. Oh wait...I did.

Even more time passes by without a single word said. I decide to focus and listen in on their mind link.

Vinnie: "Do you think she's serious!"

Vince: "I don't know, she hasn't said anything yet. I'm waiting for her to say it's a joke."

Vinnie: "What if she is? What are we gonna do?"

Vince: "If she's a white wolf? She'll have special powers."

I dismissed myself from their link right then and there, I had my answer. They wanted me for my powers. My little heart sank to the bottom of my stomach and I could feel the tears welling up.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I see Vince take a step toward me. I snap my head in his direction.

'He's going to try and grab me!' My subconscious screams.

Instinctively, I put on my battle stance. Ready to protect myself against the man who'd just taken a step toward me. Hot tears have started to spill and my throat has closed up. The reason being, I'm embarrassed and upset that I let myself get this far.

Dad made me swear that I wouldn't tell a single soul about my wolf. He said it's for my protection and the ones around me. He told me that if people find out about me they'll try to use and abuse me for my special powers.

I'd spent my whole life masking it pretty darn well. Telling my friends and pack members that I was just a late bloomer, or my dad said I wasn't allowed to shift yet. I always had the perfect excuse for any situation. It became easier over the years. My friends and I grew up and eventually they stopped asking questions.

Now my mates, that I'm supposed to trust seemed to have turned on me.

I quietly chant an apology for disobeying my dad. He's been my protector my whole life and I've failed him.

"Bambi I-" Vince takes another step toward me but I cut him off.

"AH! Stop! Don't come any closer to me" I shout holding my hand out for him to halt. I know he could easily take me but my father taught me the basics of a worrier wolf. So I kept my arms up, fists ready to swing on whomever moved next.

I took tiny steps backward, away from the two males.

"Bambi we're not going to hurt you princess" Vinnie speaks holding his palms up to show innocence.

'Don't perceive everyone who says this to be good.' My dad would say.

"That's what you want me to believe" I say wiping my tear-stained face with the back of my right hand.

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