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Warning: Suicide Attempt
(Please read)

How Anxiety Causes Irrational Thoughts + Causes of Suicidal Thoughts

Negative thinking is the cornerstone of an anxiety disorder. Many people with anxiety have severe problems with anxious and irrational thinking - thoughts that many know are irrational, and yet they struggle to convince themselves of the more logical and reasoned response.

In many ways, anxiety is specifically a problem with irrational thoughts. Anxiety is, in many ways, a fear of irrational things. At its heart, those that deal with anxiety are often trying to control and contain severe negative thoughts that can have a drastic impact on their overall quality of life.

Suicidal thoughts have many causes. Most often, suicidal thoughts are the result of feeling like you can't cope when you're faced with what seems to be an overwhelming life situation. If you don't have hope for the future, you may mistakenly think suicide is a solution. You may experience a sort of tunnel vision, where in the middle of a crisis you believe suicide is the only way out.

These are serious matters. Please Visit CalmClinic.com and MayoClinic.org for more information.

Bambi's PoV

"I'm the white wolf."

I blurt and watch as the sincerity in iris' eyes dissipate and widen in pure shock. Or horror. The cup in her hand slips from her grasps and crashes onto the floor, spilling it's sweet contents.

I grow uncomfortable as she just stares at me. She's probably thinking of ways to use me. I thought iris was a kind motherly women who I could trust but it doesn't seem like it.

I feel like such an idiot! To even think that any of this could work. Two mates? It just doesn't happen. I should have stuck to my gut. I can't trust anyone.

In this moment, I miss my family more than anything. Their the only one's I can trust but their so far away.

I tried to make this work but maybe our story ends shorter than I thought. As soon as everyone finds out about me being a white wolf they might try to hurt or use me. Just being who I am, what, I am puts the people around me in danger. Even if the boys and I do make up I couldn't let them get hurt because of me.

The thought of Vince or Vinnie being hurt clouds my mind. I can only imagine how much I would hate myself. Angry tears fall from my eyes one by one as I think of the pain Iris and Gustavo would feel if they lost their sons.

This is all my fault. I shouldn't have told Iris but it's too late now.

Without another word from either of us, I bolt out if the kitchen then out of the house. She doesn't call or run after me, making me feel even worse.

I have to get out of here before anyone else can find out. I sprint across the lawn frantically looking at my surroundings. No one seems to be around.

'Where do we go?' My wolf whimpers.

'We have to leave Eden. After that I don't know, home maybe.' I keep running towards Eden's entrance.

Tears burn down my cheeks as thoughts of my mates invade my brain. Their amazing smiles, and warm, strong hugs. I know Vince is super pissed at me right now but he was right. This isn't fair; to anyone.

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