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Bambi's PoV

The jet lag has definitely set in. It's almost 2am and I'm wide awake. Just sitting on my balcony admiring the moon and the stars dancing in the nights sky.

"You should get some sleep baby girl." Vince's husky voice scares the shit out of me, ending my stargaze.

I look over to the left where he's on his balcony, leaning against the railing looking at the sky. In only a blue pair of boxers.

Just looking at the way his back muscles flex I can tell he's completely ripped. A six pack at least. Images of his toned, naked body flood my mind and my wolf hums in delight.

'Don't forget who he is' I worn myself.

"What are you doing up so late?" Was he up because of me? Or maybe he just doesn't sleep? Vampire werewolf halfbreed?

"We don't really sleep much." Another husky voice sends me jumping.
On my right Vinnie starts towards me. In only a red pair of boxers.

'Even in pajamas they dress like twins'

Vinnie steps directly I front of me. His hard abs in clear view. I want to look away. I try to look away but, he's just too damn attractive. I lick my lips noticing the hard v trailing into his boxers.

I wonder how 'big' he his.

"You like the view?" He sends me a precious smirk and bites his lip. Oh those lips. What I would give to feel those lips against mine right now.

My face heats up instantly making me tare my gaze from him.

"You'll be exhausted in the morning." Vince walks over and stands next to his brother. Arms crossed, muscles flexed.

I look at the boys in comparison to one another. Unlike any twins I've ever seen, their pretty much the exact same. Same curly, soft looking hair. Same mysterious grayish brown eyes. Same adorable little nose. Same broad shoulders and chests. Same belly buttons that sort of stick out like outties. I've seen hot guys before but I have to admit these two, are gods. Tan American gods.

"Can I touch your hair?" Not waiting for an answer I climb out of my chair and using Vince's chest, I balance on my tippy toes to feel their hair. It's soft between my fingers, just like I had imagined.

"What do we have on princess?" Vinnie smirks taking my hand and twirling me around.

Vince stops me, putting his hands on my hips, pulling my back to his front. I can't help the blush that forms on my face.

It was kinda of humid in my room so I decided to sleep in one of my tshirts.

"I was getting hot in there." I shrug. He presses my hips harder onto him, making his 'erect friend' very known.

"Very, very revealing princess." Vinnie smirks hooking his index finger in the front of my panties. The simple contact adds heat to my cheeks and moisture to my p*ssy.

Jesus Christ I wanna f*ck him. The both of them. Like, now.

Vince starts pulling up my tshirt. Revealing my bare breasts.

Vince & VinnieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang