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First off thanks so much for 3k. That's a really awesome number and I really appreciate it!

FYI: Some time has passed since the boys found out about Bambi being a white wolf. They've been together for a few months now.

Vince's PoV
(Warning some sexy activity)

"Time to wake up princess," I whisper into Bambi's ear. She groans and rolls onto her stomach. Lately, I've noticed that without at least 10 hours of sleep, a day, she's a hostile little thing.

Considering we stayed up pretty late last night, she's bound to be a bit feisty.

"Come on love-bug." I delicately pull the blanket from her warm body. She shivers and cuddles herself into a ball. Eyes still closed.

I'm about to rub her a.ss but stop immediately when I notice the red stain on her white underwear. My eyes grow wide and my heart starts racing. I take deep breath, inhaling the scents around me. It's definitely blood but not the kind I'm use to.

She's only got her period. She's not dying or anything. No need to call the pack doctor. Right? After all this time I hadn't thought of her having lady-times. Is it just now happening or has she been hiding it from us?

I fist my messy brown locks unsure if I should wake her. I know how this s.hit works. I've got a teenage sister to prove it. Mom use to say Bianca was only damning me hell because she was having her lady-times. Not because she didn't love me. Dad always told us that a female on her lady-times could make or break you, play your cards right and she won't kill you.

That in mind, I gently slide my arms underneath her curvy frame and pick her up bridal-style. She wiggles around fighting me but she's too tired to fight for long. I then carry her into the bathroom where Vinnie is brushing his teeth.

"She okay?" He mumbles, a toothbrush and foam filling his mouth.

I shush him and nod towards Bambi's light sleeping state.

'Is she okay?' He asks again through our mindlink. I hand her precious temple to Vinnie then quickly start a warm shower.

'She's fine. She just -- started her period but, I don't think she knows yet so don't say anything," I reply, readying body wash and towels.

"Oh -- Do you think we should monitor?" He asks surprised.

Most alpha's monitor their mates cycle to know when's the best time to conceive puppies.

'Yeah but I don't want her to feel pressured so let's just keep it between us.' I take my sleeping beauty, stand her up then, strip her of the t-shirt and toss her now stain panties into the trash. All while she whines and moans.

"Leave me alone, I'm sleepy." She sobs, pushing on my chest.

"I know princess, I know." I hold her up with one hand while I strip with the other.

'Dammit I think there's a stain on the bed," I think to myself. She'll see it then get all insecure.

'I'll handle it," Vinnie nods and finishes brushing his teeth. Once he's gone, I finish taking my clothes off then guide Bambi into the steamy shower. She flinches at the contact of water, making her eyes shoot open.

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