Boyfriend's fans knowing that he's a father

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So later that night i logged onto twitter and I saw lots of tweets, saying well done on the baby and what's her name.  But I was thinking  how the  fuck did they know, about James is going to be a father to my baby.  So I had lots of  questions in my head, saying what if they hate me? or  what if they don't like her name? Or what if they want to meet her?, I  couldn't let that happen. But I was in the bedroom on my laptop when I had a sharp pain, and  I think it was time for her to come.  '' James come here, I yelled out loud. '' Coming babe, said James. So James ran upstairs to the bedroom to see what was the matter, and  hugged me at the same time.  '' Babe what is the matter, asked James. '' Babe I just  have a sharp pain, in the tummy that's   all,  I said. ''  Then it might be time, for her said James. '' Maybe  I said. ''  I will take you to the hospital, baby girl said  James. ''  Thanks babe I said. '' Anything for my beautiful girlfriend, in the world said James. '' Love you James, I said. '' Love you more, said James.  Later James took me to the hospital, since the baby was about to come fuck.  But as we got there all of the workers, took me in right  now damn. Five minutes later, the  baby was born. ''  James you can name her, I said. '' Okay said James.  So James named  the baby, Abbey Lee Yammouni and he took a  photo of her and posted it on twitter.  Later James and I took Abbey home, to look after her.  But as we were  going home, all my phone did was go off, all the freaking  time like what the fuck I thought. '' James why  the hell is my phone, going off  I asked.  I think it's my fans said James. '' What about them I asked. ''  I took a photo of abbey and putted on, twitter said James. '' Oh okay babe  I said. '' It's that okay with you, asked James. '' Yeah  that is fine babe, I said. '' Okay kool said James. '' Yeah kool I said. So  after we  got back home James took abbey inside, into the  bedroom and  put her in her little pink bed.  Later  James and I went to bed since  both of us,  were tired as fuck . But we still  checked on Abbey,  to fix her up and everything else.

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