The school day

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But the next morning I had school, so I got up ready for school. Later I was ready for school and I had to get there, before I be late since it was now 7:50 am. So I got to school and my friends, were not talking to me for some reason. But all I heard them say, you're not worth and you're are bitch please die loser. '' OMG look who it is, said Amy.  '' It's That bitch who, is dating my brother mikey, said dani Clifford. '' She's such a bitch, said Tiegan. '' What the fuck, I thought yours were my friends, I said. '' We hate you, so not anymore said Tiegan. Later I walked out of the school grounds, like I didn't give a crap not after what my ex friends were saying about me,  so I got in my car and drove back home hell mad as hell. But I got home and got out of my car after I parked in the drive way, and I got out of the car with my keys and phone, and everything else I had with me.   Later I went inside and run upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the door shut, and stared to cry so much.   But I really wanted to talk to mikey, but I didn't because he would want to come over but I didn't want to talk to anyone not what I got told by my friends. Later I logged on Facebook on my phone, and as I did I saw all hate on my page and I couldn't take it anymore so I called up Luke Hemmings my best friend.  * The phone call with Luke Hemmings*  '' Hey Luke Hemmings, I said on the phone.  '' Hey Chloe, said Luke Hemmings on the phone. '' Luke Hemmings, everyone hates me, I said to him . '' All your friends asked Luke Hemmings. '' Yes I said in tears.  '' I'm coming over, said Luke Hemmings. '' Thanks Best friend I said. '' Anything for my close best friend, that I knew for a long time said Luke Hemmings. ' ' See you soon I said. '' Yeah see ya best friend, said Luke Hemmings. Later I ended the phone call with my best friend, Luke Hemmings and I didn't know that my mum was at the door not happy for some reason .  

'' Chloe why are you not, at school asked Melissa ( My Mum) .  '' Because all my friends, were being mean I said. '' Oh okay said Melissa ( my mum) .   '' Look what they put on my wall, I said. '' Holy crap said Melissa ( my mum )

All the shit my ex friends said were, YOUR SUCH A BITCH GO AND DIE- TIEGAN HUTNER, and You suck by Jade Ormond, then I Hate you dumb slut- Amy and one from Dani Clifford that said You should cut deep bitch and the other one was hell mean, from Danielle Cimorelli which says You're going to get bashed bitch.

 Later Luke Hemmings  came over, and I didn't know that he  brought his friends with him.

'' Chloe you okay asked Ashton . '' No I said. ''  Let me fix this, said Ash. ''  You would do that  for, me  ashton  I asked. '' Of course  I will, said Ash. '' Thanks Ash I said.  '' Anything for a friend, of mine said Ashton .   So Ashton went on my Facebook, on my phone and wrote a status saying something to my ex friends.   * Big status from Ashton on my account*   Hey Guys can you please stop this hate on Awesome Chloe, she don't need it since she lost her dad last year and I cant lose my best friend over all this so please stop all this guys, thanks ashton Irwin here if you don't know that - Ashton Fletcher Irwin.   But I didn't  know that  all of them, said sorry for what they told me at school, and on Facebook.  * From all of them*   I'm so sorry I didn't  know- Jade  Ormond .   I'm freaking sorry -  Danielle Cimorelli.  Holy shit   i didn't know - Amy Cimorelli.    I'm fucking sorry -  Tiegan Hunter.    Later I wanted to go  to sleep but I know that   I didn't want to because  i was still thinking about everything that happened today at  school. 

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