Fun night At the show With Mikey's two Best friends

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So tonight was a fun night with my best friends, at the show but I had to leave since I was feeling like crap. '' Mikey you okay, asked Jade. '' Not really I said. '' You look white as ghost, said Luke Hemmings. '' I feel sick, that's all I said. '' We can go back home, said Luke Hemmings. '' Yes please I said. '' Then what are we waiting for, said Jade.  Later all of us left the show, since I was feeling sick as hell . But as I got home, I was sick as a dog.  '' Mikey I'm leaving because I'm not going, to get sick because I have a exam tomorrow morning said Jade.  '' Good luck I said.  '' Thanks Mikey said Jade. '' I will drop you back, home said Luke Hemmings.  '' Thanks Babe, said Jade.   So Luke Hemmings took Jade back home, since I was really sick as hell.   But I hate being so sick, but when my phone went off, I didn't want to answer it but I did anyway.  So I didn't know who was ringing, me so I looked on my phone and it was my mum Karen fuck .  * The phone call to Karen(My Mum) * " Hey Mikey I heard that, your sick Said Karen ( My mum ) on the phone.  '' Hi mum and yes I'm sick, as hell I said back to her. '' I'm coming over, said Karen.  '' Okay Mum I said.  Later I ended the phone call, with my mum but as I did that I was, being sick as but I don't know why through.   Maybe it was something I ate, at the showgrounds or maybe it was the animals but I don't really know. So I was laying on the couch, went my mum came to my house, to make me feel better. But as she got there, I was feeling a bit better and I don't know why.

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