Tonight was to tell my friends the awesome news

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So I  was up getting changed out of my pjs, so I could tell  my friends the good news.  But I rather wait for my girlfriend to get the  fuck up.  Later  Jade  got out of bed, and changed out of her  cute  pjs and after we both were,  changed out of them both of us went downstairs to tell, our friends the news.

So I text my other friends for them, to get the fuck over to my place. * The text to Jai*

L: Hey Jai come to my place, I have good news to tell you – Luke Hemmings

J: Okay be right their, and I will bring James, and Beau, Luke Brooks and Chloe and Tiegan- Jai

L: Okay cheers mate _ Luke Hemmings.


Royal Adelaide show 5sos/ JanoskainsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ