Chapter Two Luke Hemmings

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Luke's Pov: Hey I'm Luke Hemmings and I'm totally wired as, hell and I like jade Ormond so damn much . But I didn't know that she was going, to call me to pick her up from the royal Adelaide showgrounds.   * The phone call with Jade * '' Hey Luke Hemmings, can you pick me up since Amy left with Beau brooks said Jade on the phone. '' Hey Jade sure, I said on the phone. '' Can you meet me, at the front of the showgrounds, said Jade. '' Okay I said on the phone. '' I will be with Tiegan hunter, said Jade on the phone. '' Okay see you then, I said to her. '' Yeah see ya best friend, said Jade. '' See ya best friend I said. Later I ended the phone call with Jade, and I drove to the Adelaide showgrounds, and I saw Jade with her friend  Tiegan so I called them over to my car. '' Jade Ormond and Tiegan Hunter, I yelled over to my car. So Jade and Tiegan comes over to my, car and I took Tiegan home and Jade home too before, I get in trouble, for not bring my friends home by Jade's Parents or Tiegan's  parents.  But I really wanted to tell Jade that I like her, but I didn't want to fuck up my friendship, with her not at the moment but I did. '' Jade wait I said. '' What best friend, asked Jade. '' I like you I said. '' I like you too, said Jade. '' Will you be my girlfriend, I asked. '' Yes said Jade. '' Kool I love you, I said. '' Love you more, said Jade. '' I will see you tomorrow, I guess I said. '' Yeah see you tomorrow, Penguin king said Jade. '' Bye babe, I said. '' Bye bad boy, said Jade. '' Jade your lucky I love you, I said. '' I know I better go inside and started with my homework, said Jade. '' On what I asked. '' I have to pick one band, and write something about them said Jade. '' I can help you on that, I said. '' Really you would do that, asked Jade. '' Of course I would, babe I said. '' Okay said Jade. So I turned off my car, and went inside jade's house to help her with her homework, and I didn't want to leave her bedroom. But I didn't know that Jade had a brother, called Calum Ormond at all. '' Your brother is Calum Ormond, I asked. '' Yes said Jade. '' I didn't know that, I said. '' You do know that my parents, don't know you said Jade. '' Oh okay I said. Later Jade's parents walked into her bedroom to see what was going, on but they didn't know who I was at the time. '' Jade who is he, asked April Ormond (her Mum). '' That's Luke Hemmings, my boyfriend said Jade. '' Oh okay said April Ormond (her Mother). '' Hi MRS Ormond, I said. '' Hi Luke Hemmings said MRs Ormond. '' I'm helping Jade with her homework, I said. '' Okay we will go, said MRs Ormond. Later Jade's parents left the bedroom, so I could be finishing helping her with the homework, but it was nearly done anyway.  '' You do know that i didn't, mean to fuck up this friendship I said.  '' It's okay  i liked you any way, said Jade. '' Then that's kool i didn't fuck it up, then i  said. '' Nope said Jade.  

But I had to go home, since I had a message from my mum telling me to get home. * The text from my mum (Liz*

Liz: Luke Hemmings, get the fuck home now _ Liz

L: Okay I'm coming home now- Luke Hemmings

Liz: Okay – Liz.

So I had to go home, and I kissed Jade goodbye and left her house to go back to my house. '' Babe I have to go, I said. '' Okay Babe said Jade. '' You're not mad or anything, I asked. '' Of course not, said Jade. '' Okay I said. '' Love you and I will, talk you later, said jade. '' Love you more, and okay babe I said. Later I left Jade's place and got in my car, and I drove home before I got in trouble by my mum and fast too.

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