«The babysitters»

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Hhhmm ,she didn't say anything about herself.

"What about you?" I asked, I crossed my legs and rested my elbow on my knee. Placing my chin on my fist as I stare at her in interest, "Tell me about you then." Peridot Kiyoko, what does she have to say?

"Oh...hehe...you ain't ready for this." She cracked her knuckles and slouched besides me.

Not ready for this? I'm read for anything. I am a determined cinnamon roll and is ready.

I growled, "I'm ready for anything." I narrowed my eyes at the cocky girl.

"Not this." She pointed herself ,wiggling her thumbs and biting her lip. Her ego is up high sky, I hope she's not like this everyday please. I cannot stand people like that, even though maybe—just maybe— I'm like that too.

"Are you serious? I am a billion percent sure I'll just be bored of all you'll say." I flip my hair, putting one leg on top of the other and shrugging .This appeared to annoy her, I could tell by the way her nose holes flaired and her eye twitched. I have a gift to piss people off, I can't control it. I'm so bitchy I love it, but I just hope to change... I really hope so.

Most of me came from my uncaring parents? But atleast I try to be good, not like them that can't even pretend to be settled with what I'm saying. Every word that comes out of my mouth seemed to make them worked up. But enough about me...

"I don't even care."

"Swallow your pride, just tell me."

She sighed, "Well there isn't much I can tell you about me right now, but I should tell you a few things I like doing."

Just say it already, "Sure! Go ahead."

"I like to eat Doritos...like...a lot. So I might get OD from those one day."

She's obcessed with those chips too? I'm so glad I'm not the only one, I bought the family size almost everyday back at home.

"I like them too. My favorite one is the green one, though they still taste a lot like the blue ones." ,suddenly– the bus stops ,and Peridot grabs my hand and stands up. She pushes all the people practically glued together appart to make way for us, a bumpy path leading to the exit of the way. "MOVE IT." Peridot hissed.

We were literally pushed out by some folks inside the bus, making us drop to the floor in front of a white wooden fence. "Stupid Clods." She grumbled.




This is very awkward.

We both stood up and brushed ourselves clean. The sun was beating the crap out of me holy stars, it's hot. I always forget my sunscreen...and my backpack ,not again...

"Are you alright?" I asked to the angry blonde besides me, she just breathed out and opened the gate to a two story house in front of us. She showed me a nodd. "Mmmm okay." ,we walk up to the house, she knocks a few times.

No response.

*knock knock*

Still no response, one last time Peridot beated the crap out of the door with her fist –"James get your ass here!" She yelled, then we heard him stomp down the stairs in a hurry. In a second the door flung open.

"Keep it down!" He yelled back. Classic cartoon scene.

"Wha-...tsk. Don't yell at me." She pinched his arm, making him squeal like Dash. I swear boys in this school have a thing for shrieking like girls, I wonder if girls do it like a man.

The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora