The Call Part 1 (Side Chapter)

Start from the beginning

"Oh hey Jason, since we have that Final tomorrow, do you think I can come over and study with you?" Hedera asked me.

"Oh, sure." I said.

"Great, see you later!" She said, heading off for her class.

"See ya!" I said, waving.

-Gym class-

I would usually hate gym class, but this semester I have Volleyball and I love it! I trained under Katelyn and I'm basically the best player in the school. It just sucks because I'm always picked last. This time around, I didn't even get a team. The coach didn't care, though. Neither did I, this is normal for me.

I was currently playing against a team of 3 and I was winning 14-2 and this is the game point. I lob the ball up high and as son as it gets low enough, I hit it and it goes towards the other team. One of them hits it up and another one hits it back over to me, but that's when I jump up and spike it, and it crashes on the floor on their side. I win.

"What the? THIS IS BULLSHIT!" One of the guys, Zeke Willow, a werewolf, yelled.

"Aww, what's wrong? Is somebody sad that he lost to an outcast?" I said, making a crying motion with my hands.

"Fuck off, fag." He said. That made me mad. I picked up the volleyball, lobbed it up in the air and spiked it down on his head. He fell over and everyone gasped. He got up and looked at me, infuriated. He walked over to me and tried to punch me, but I ducked and sidestepped over. He tried to swing at me again, but I sidestepped again. While I was sidestepping, he managed to kick me. This made me even more mad, and as a result, I got behind him, grabbed his arm, put it behind him, and kicked the inside of his leg, making him fall over. I took his arm which was still in my grasp and held it behind him.

"Get off of me you cocksucker!" He said, trying to get free.

"Say you're sorry!" I yelled at him.

"Fuck you!" He yelled.

He rolled on his back to adjust himself to where I couldn't hurt his arm. He leaned up, grabbed my hand, and with both of his feet, flipped me over to where I landed on my back. He quickly got on top of me and started choking me.

"" I said, struggling to breathe. He didn't get off, but instead tightened his grip. I almost lost my sense of sight.

I could feel myself slip out of consciousness, but that's when I saw a look of fear in his eyes. He backed off of me and that's when I could see again. There was a pinkish light in the gymnasium, and when I looked down, I saw that I was glowing. My skin had become the pinkish color and transparent. As I was looking down, I also noticed that I was floating. I refocused and looked at Zeke, who was slowly backing away. I flew over to him and gave him an uppercut, which launched him into the basketball hoop. He got stuck there and looked knocked out. I flew out of the gym to calm down and eventually fell asleep. When I woke up, my glowing was gone and I was back to my pale self. I looked around and saw that I was near Vylad's house and that it was still daytime so I went there.

(The color looks like this palette.)

I walked in through the door and sat down

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I walked in through the door and sat down. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and Hedera was there.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked me.

"I mean, I feel fine. Do you think I'm suspended?" I asked her.

"I wouldn't doubt it. If you aren't though, then it's a miracle. I mean, you can just say you weren't conscious." She said, coming in and closing the door.

"I kinda feel bad, but then again, he deserved it." I said, looking down.

"Let's just not talk about it right now, it's not what you need. We should study." Hedera said.

"You're right." I said. We sat down and crammed this information into our brains as hard as we could. When Hedera was about to leave, Vylad came home.

"Oh thank Irene you're okay!" Vylad said, rushing into the house and kissing me. Hedera's eyes widened.

"I, uh, think I'll give you two some privacy." She said awkwardly, and then left the house in a hurry.

The phone started ringing. I answered it.

-After the 10 minute long conversation.-

"Well?" Vylad asked me.

"I'm not suspended, thanks to my lie." I said. Vylad sighed in relief.

"Vylad, we need to talk about this." I said to him.

We went into our bedroom and cuddled up next to each other. Then we started talking.

"I heard on my way home from work that you turned some sort of pink. And your hair turned completely white, like Travis's." Vylad said.

"I don't know why it did though." I said, thinking all of the possible reasons.

"I'll call Aphmau, she kinda knows about these things." Vylad said.

-One phone call to Aphmau later-

*ding dong*

That must be her. I opened the door and she came in. She sat down and we sat down across from her.

"I heard about this on the news, and I think that you are in possession of a relic. More precisely, Isadora's Relic." She said.

"Isadora was known to have 3 Mystical traits that made her a target to everyone dangerous."

"What were these 3 traits?" I asked her.

"Mystical Brains, Mystical Brawn, and Mystical Beauty. She also had the ability to control plant life, water, the weather, and rumor has it, even space itself. She could also communicate with animals, breathe underwater, had night vision,could make herself invisible, make herself tangible, shapeshift, and had Telekinesis and Telepathy." Aphmau finished, pausing to let me and Vylad take all of this in.

"She sounds like a badass!" Vylad said.

"So, Isadora used her powers for good? That's a relief." I said.

"But now the responsibility has been passed onto you, Jason. I hope you can handle it. Your other powers will come within time. Anyways, I'll see you at my house tomorrow after finals so we can watch anime! Bye!" She said, smiling and left our house.

"I have Isadora's relic? Who exactly were my parents?" I said, letting the sentence hang out.

"I don't know, but if you want to, we can find out." Vylad said.

"I'd like that." I said. We went to our bedroom and cuddled again. Before I fell asleep, I kissed Vylad's hand and told him I loved him. Then I passed out.


I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for not updating at all! Finals are LITERALLY 1 WEEK AWAY AND I HAVE TO STUDY! I hope you guys understand if chapters will be slow. There will be 3 parts to this! THIS IS CANON TO MY FANFICTION! I mean, this story started out normal, but then I wanted to make it magical. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! I'LL SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER AND THANK YOU FOR OVER 6,000 READS! BYE!

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