Our Rights

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Jayden's POV:

"Come in." The judge said and I opened the door slowly.

"Yes. Mr. Waterson, please come and sit." She said.

I smiled and sat across from here, I'm so nervous bruh.

"So... I know you wanted to talk to me and I'm here for you. Tell me, not a lot because if you say it in there, I'll already know and I don't want to know yet." She said.

I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Ma'am, I-I don't know how to say this. I just want to know what I have to do in order for us to stay away from them. Please can you tell me what I have to do? I'll do anything." I said, trying not to tear up.

She stared into my eyes and I didn't break the contact because I wanted her to know that I'm serious.

She sighed deeply and finally spoke.

"I think you should just tell what you feel in your heart, if you want these children so bad, fight for them and win the crowd." She said.

"I hope they find it in their hearts to let me show them what we've been through. I'm just scared to see them."

"The jury?"

"No. My parents."

"Don't worry, they can't do anything while we're here. Just stay calm and do what you gotta do."

"Yes ma'am." I got up and so did she. I shook her hand and smiled at her before I left.

I walked into the room where everyone else was and my parents were already there, sitting on the left side. I went and sat next to my lawyer.

"Jay Jay." I heard Lexa whisper. I turned around. "You got this." She said and I smiled. "Just don't break your promise." The sets of twins said together and I smiled.

Their speaking at the same time and that's so weird that 4 people are saying and probably thinking the same thing.

"All rise." The officer by the door said, all of us got up and the judge came in.

We waited for her to sit down and when she did, we sat back down.

"This is a case between Jayden Waterson and his parents Danielle and Rachel Waterson." The police spoke again.

"Let's see what the parents have to say about this." The judge said.

My mom's lawyer stood up. He cleared his throat. "This is happening because Jayden Waterson basically kidnapped their children and he never brought them back and these people want their children back." He said.

"Don't blurt nothing out, just stay calm." My lawyer whispered to me.

"Okay. Why should we believe you Mr. Baker?" The judge asked.

"Because I call Alexa Waterson to come and speak." He said . "Their 6 year old daughter. Really?" "Yes. Their old enough to know right from wrong, they know better." "Whatever. I call Ms. Alexa Waterson to come and speak." The judge said.

Everyone turned around to look at Lexa. She looked embarrassed. "Come up here sweetheart." The judge said, smiling. Lexa looked at me. "Twin, go. Don't fall for their trap okay? Tell the truth. You got this." I said to her and she nodded.

She got up and quickly walked to the chair next to the judge and sat down with her head down.

"It's okay sweetheart, just answer these questions truthfully okay? That means, no story telling." The judge said, sweetly to my little sister.

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