" Junghan just go to our house everyday to stop her eating please." Taeyeon begged. He just shook his head while chuckle and face me, smirking at me.

" Okay then. I'm gonna go to your house everyday then. Just give me your food so I eat it for you." I slap his arm.

" Okay let go next time I visit you." Now we are roaming around the street to find kimbap and ttekbokki. Finally when we find the food we come straight in and sit while Junghan order for us.

We were eating and having fun then we decide to go to get a drink then hang out a little. Finally we well be going home after that. Some of the student at my school past by and look at us but we don't care. Some were saying that we are slut cause we now are hanging out with Junghan. Junghan oppa glare at those who say bad thing about us. He is older than us, I think he is in college right now.

" Don't care about those people. Let just eat then we go to the next station." Me and Taeyeon smile and eat. 

Now we are heading to a drink station. Of course we also saw some of the student they say hi to us and we say hi back. It was awkward like really awkward.

Finally we go home because it was pretty late. Junghan go with us to make sure we are okay then he well go back to his place.

" Finally sw-- what the fuck you guy did not go home yet? And oh my gosh the living room is a mess." Taeyeon glare at them but Baekhyun seem don't care and Chanyeol just smile like an innocent boy.

I just tell the maid to clean up the mess before our parent came home. While Taeyeon glare at them.

" Hey sis. So how is Junghan now." I kick his butt which made them laughed.

" Yah you should just go there to meet him. We are not your reporter.Yoda" He glared at me so I dashed of to my room while Taeyeon is helping the maid.

I was sitting there watching drama while checking my social media. Alot of people has been comment of the photo where taeyeon take a picture of me and Junghan oppa.

' unnie is that your boyfriend?'
' whaww you got a good guy there'

' Now it this guy how many guy have to you and Taeyeon have been date slut."

I just ignore that comment and keep going with the flow. Then Taeyeon come in, I look up at her finding her staring back at me. " Hey you need to take bath, you are sweaty after excising." She shake her head and choose her PJ.

" Okay miss."I said and take my PJ that are prepare for me. I go into my wardrobe to get some extra towel but then I saw my cloths is almost all gone what happen?  I ran outside and come to one of the maid and ask her.

" Unnie what happen to my cloths? And also my other stuff......." I said but then stop when I saw my suitcase there. Chanyeol then come, I guess his friend already gone. " Don't you remember? You are going to your new house tomorrow with.... VVVV" Then he make a peace sign. My eyes suddenly became widen.

" Oh shit I forgot. Damn it I had to live with that jerk." I huffed out and in. Chanyeol patted my head while Taeyeon walking down stair. " What happen to my cloths??" She said. Wow did not notice that her cloths was gone too.

" Ahh about that your parent has tell us to move your cloths to the other room like are perfect for one person." Yeah my guess was right. " Told you so Taeyeon, you well have another room." I stick my toungue out but she just rolled her eyes and pouted.

" Well at least I did not move to a new house." I make a annoying face and go upstair to take a fresh bath to make me calm down.

When I had done taking a bath I check my insta. again seeing Jimin pic poping up. The picture is a suitcase but there more.' Tomorrow our brother  is gong to his new house. Please invite us there.' I throw my phone on the couch and jump on my bed closing my eyes.


" WAKE UPPPPP." I then feel down on my butt while cursing the one who did this to me.

" WHAT THE FUCK!!! My butt hurt huhuh." I look up and saw Chanyeol laughing but worse V is standing there holding his laughter.

" You gonna be late for school. Get ready and go downstair." Chanyeol still laughing while going outside. I look up at V who still holding his laughter in. " Are you gonna get out? I need to change." I said to him while rubbing my eyes like a child.

" Yeah I well....so cute." I bulge my eyes, I about to say something but he already out of my room. I go and get ready to go to school. I don't know why he here but where is my sister. I go downstair seeing V and Baekhyun eating with sibling.I also seeing Baekhyun keep glancing at her alot. 

I got into the seat and eat. But it was so quiet until Taeyeon speak up. " Oh yeah I forgot umm Junghan is coming over today." Me, Chanyeol, and L chokes. I did not know that he be serious about coming over.

" Afterschool? Wow he actually keep his word." I said and continue eating but I feel some burning in front of me. So I look up seeing V having this weird face but I shrugged it off it nothing to cared baout anyway.  " Yeah he say he want to come to see your new house so we both gonna go there." Okay then that be good don't need to be in the same house with that guy.

" Sorry sis but we need to go somewhere this evening with L. I visit you later and say hi to Junghan for me." Chanyeol said. It look like Baekhyun and V became more quiet. And I can feel the burning too. Taeyeon knock Chanyeol head. " Hurry up we talk about it later we need to go to school.

I about to go inside my brother car with L well Taeyeon was with Baekhyun because she was forced too. ._. I'm been pull back by someone which is an alien. " You coming with me." That was short. I just let him dragged me because I was tired to fight back he well win anyway.

" Your parent tell me to drive you to our new house when we done with school today." I just nodded and put my earphone in and listen to avoid him. I can feel him looking at me but I just looking out the window. When we are in the school parked I about to get out but I been pulled back and been pined to the window. I just bulged my yes what V just did.

He gave me a stare that gave me shiver down my spine. His faced come closer to me like about 2 inches. " Uhmm What do you want?" I try not to stuttered and look at him with my cold eyes.

" Who is that Junghan guy?" My eyes still the same and answer with my cold voice. " Why do you care? You are no one to me, why would I tell you?" I struggle but he he still remain spot.

 " I'm your soon to be your busband so WHO IS IT!!!!????" Why do he sound so Jealous. Is he Jealous??


Tadaa here is another chapter of the story sorry if it late. Please vote comment :)).  " YOU CAN CALL ME A MONSTER!!" 

AHH Exo comeback is here, I can't wait!!! The teaser is awesome!!! CHUCHU I heard that Exo dance of monster was leaked, is it a hatch or it just a sm agency leaked it out, can some one tell me I just confusing me lolol... bye bye be there in the next chapter!!! 

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