Chapter One: A New School

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A/n Hey guys! So I've been obsessed with Fairy Tail and I'm looking forward to writing this. I just want to say though, I'm still watching Fairy Tail and I'm not completely done with the series, but you gotta admit, this series is long as HELL. But I hope you enjoy none the less.

Lucy's POV:

The blonde slowly made her way up the schools entrance. She was scared, her Celestial Keys chimed as she came to a stop. Her legs shacked, her stomach was in knots.

She couldn't do this... But right as she was going to turn around, the doors burst open, heat blasting toward her. She screamed, tripping backward. But was caught by very strong arms.

"You better be careful, Natsu is quite the pain." Lucy looked up at the scarlet haired girl, her eyes burning with determination. "Uh, thanks for the heads up..."

"You must be our new member Lucy. I'm Erza Scarlet." She held a hand out. Lucy took it, and almost lost her hand to her strong grip. "Well aren't you a cutie..." A girl with blue hair walked out to them, a kind smile on her face.

Lucy laughed, "Uh hey..." The blue hair girl took her hands excitedly, "I'm Levy!" Lucy smiled back, "It's nice to meet you!" Levi giggled, waving at Erza, "Don't worry, I got her!" The red head nodded, "I need to go kick Natsu anyway."

They waved goodbye, and Levy lead her into the school. The entrance was huge, lockers and couches lined the walls, pictures of people hung high up. Some looked burned, which made Lucy question why they where.

Levi lead her down a hallway, telling her every class room, "Oh hey Mr. Gildarts!" Levy waved at a very tall man with ginger hair and a kind face. "Hello Levy, have you seen Natsu?" His voice even sounded kind.

"No, he's probably off blowing fire at Gray." Mr. Gildarts nodded, ruffling her hair, and walked past them. Lucy followed Levy, but she looked back at Mr. Gildarts, not looking where she was going.

She was walking along, when she smacked into what felt like a wall, but when she looked up, she smacked into the most scariest guys around. Piercings lined his nose, head, and other various places. Lucy jumped back, holding her hands up, "I'M SORRY!" The guy only scoffed, before walking off.

Levy laughed, "That's Gajeel. Don't worry about him, he seems mean but he's actually a big sweet heart deep down." Lucy nodded, trembling lightly. "Okay, so here's the study room, even though it's absolutely pointless to try and study in here." Levy opened the door.

The first thing Lucy saw was a mess, then she heard the yelling...



Lucy saw ice and fire clash in the middle of the room, everyone else on the sidelines acting as if nothing was happening. Levy sighed, "I knew they would be at it again..."

Lucy watched the two guys fight. One had pink hair, a white scarf wrapped around his neck. The other guy had black hair, and well... Had no clothes on.



"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Erza appeared between the two, holding their heads apart while they clawed at each other. "We have a new member here today...SO BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR!" The two sat down on separate tables, glaring daggers at each other.

"Hey guys!" Levy pushed Lucy forward, "Here's our newest member, her names Lucy!" A kid with bright blue hair jumped forward, his big eyes smiling with his face. "Hey! I'm Happy!" Lucy smiled at him.

The pink headed kid stood up, taking her hand and shaking her to pieces. "Hey! Leave her alone man!" The black haired guy shoved the kid away, smiling at her kindly.

"I'm Gray. And that's the idiot Natsu." Natsu punched Gray, making him fall over, "DONT EVER INTRODUCE ME LIKE THAT ICE BOY!" Gray threw a punch, squaring him in the jaw. "DONT PUNCH ME FIRE BREATH!"

Lucy took a step back, avoiding the two fighting idiots. She looked at Erza, and had to admit, she was pretty scary. Fire burned from her eyes, anger shaking the cups on near by tables.

"WILL YOU TWO STOP!" The two froze, fists only centimeters away from each others faces. Natsu folded his arms, looking at Lucy. He blinked for a minute, looking at her with wide eyes. She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Uh, I'm Lucy... Nice to meet you all..."

Happy flew through the air, "WHEN DID YOU GET WINGS!?" The small kid laughed, landing on the table next to Natsu. "It's my power, duh." Natsu tilted his head, "Yeah, what's yours?"

Lucy looked down, clasping her hands together. "I'm a... Celestial Wizard..." She whispered. "WHAT!?" Someone yelled suddenly, making Lucy jump. A guy with ginger hair and blue glasses sat at the counter, looking scared out of his wits.

Lucy got a feeling she couldn't explain, but it went away when the guy ran out, screaming like a little kid. "Who was that?" Lucy asked, tilting her head.

"Loke, usually he's really calm and all." Gray answered, shrugging. Lucy sighed, "Well, do you guys know where I can find my class then?" Erza looked over at the schedule Lucy held out, "Why don't you stick with Natsu. He has most of the same classes with you..."

Lucy groaned, not wanting to handle the fire breathing dragon.

Natsu's POV:

Natsu glared at Lucy, he really liked her blonde hair. It was natural, unlike his pink. Ever since he was younger he envied it. But after his father told him it made him special, he hadn't mind it lately.

But still, he really liked her hair.

Happy looked up at him, "Are you okay?" He nodded, looking away.

"Come on Lucy, we got Gildarts for first period. You're gonna love him."


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