Chapter 55 - Happy Mother's Day

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"How may I help you?" She asks.

"I'm here to speak with Lawyer Ahn." She says calmly.

"Sorry, do you have a scheduled appointment with her?" The secretary asks.

"Tell her my name. Yang. Hyun. Ae." She said it slowly for her to understand. "She'll know."

The secretary, skeptically, stood up and went into the office. After a few seconds, the door opened and the secretary exited the office as well as a women dressed in slacks and a button up blouse. She instantly gave a deep bow as she stood before Yang Hyun-Ae.

"Yeo-Na, It's been awhile." Yang Hyun-Ae says.

"Please come inside." She says holding the door to the office open. "Secretary Oh, make sure nobody comes inside."

Yang Hyun-Ae walked in and sat on the couch in the office, setting her purse aside from her. Ahn Yeo-Na sat just across from her, quite surprised from her arrival. Just like most connections in the business world that Yang Hyun-Ae had, Ahn Yeo-Na had no idea she was back from America. And it's been over six months.

"I had no idea you came back from America." Ahn Yeo-Na says. "You should of came sooner. I would've known."

Yang Hyun-Ae shook her head. "The less people that heard, the less chance of Park Sung Hoon knowing of my arrival back to Korea. I heard he has people searching for my whereabouts in America."

"I heard as well." Ahn Yeo-Na says. "They visit about twice a year to see if you contacted me. I don't have your numbers so I don't know anything. Of course I would never give it to the likes of that bastard."

Yang Hyun-Ae smiled. "Thank you."

"You and my mom were best friends. Since she passed, you took care of me like your own. You even sent me to law school. I will do anything for you." Ahn Yeo-Na says standing and bowing deeply. "Because you left so long ago, I hadn't gotten the chance to thank you for helping me become the person I am today."

"Enough with that. I just gave you money. You did something useful with it. I'm very proud of you and your mother would be too." She smiled. "Please sit. Now that we greeted each other, lets get to business?"

"Yeah, sure. Anything!" Ahn Yeo-Na immediately nodded while going to grab hold of her lap top on her desk. "Let's start."

After in the office for three hours, Yang Hyun-Ae walked out of the law firm tired and worn-out. However, she was quite surprised that the taxi cab was still waiting for her. Probably because she hadn't paid him yet. She can already imagine how high the meter is. She shook her head and headed into the cab.

"Thank you for waiting. I have one more location to go to before you drop me off home."


Yang Hyun-Ae treaded her way up the steep hill. The light breeze blew her long hair and her coat, giving her slight chill. The sun barely shown through the light clouds that scattered across the sky. Yang Hyun-Ae passed over different amount of grave stones, until she stopped upon one.

"Oppa, It's me." She smiled down at the stone. "I know you're lonely." Yang Hyun-Ae says crouching down and placing her purse next to her feet. "I've missed you so much."

Tears began to fill her eyes as she stared at Nara's father's tombstone. His name engraved onto the marble and a small message that Yang Hyun-Ae had engraved into the stone herself. That he was a loving father even though he has never met Nara. He met Nabi and treated her well for the short amount of time they were together.

Tears fell down her cheek as she continued to think about all the great times they had together. She missed him so much and everyday for the past fifteen years without him, have been hard. If he were alive, she knew how great of a father he would've been to both Nabi and his own, Nara.

President Yang's Request: G-DragonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ