Hold Me Now-Twenty Two

Start bij het begin

    "I love you, Niall," Zayn whispered as Yaser grasped him under the arms and pulled him away from the Irish boy. He didn't scream or struggle, slumping over and allowed himself to be dragged to the basement. The door was open, and he was thrown down the stairs, hitting his head along the way.

    "P-Please," Niall said, loud enough for Yaser to hear, "be careful with him. He deserves better than this." Bobby delivered a sharp kick to his ribs, making his yelp in surprise. Bobby then slung Niall over his shoulder, walking up the stairs to the top floor.

    Bobby opened the door, throwing the younger boy carelessly to the ground. Niall grunted in pain as Bobby slammed the door shut, locking Niall in. Niall curled up in the corner, next to the boarded up window. His heart had never felt so heavy before, causing his chest to tighten, choking him.

    Downstairs, Zayn felt the situation pull at his heart, also. He could only imagine what was going onto his beloved lover upstairs. He didn't doubt what Bobby or Yaser could do. He hoped Niall was okay, or at least as okay as he could be in this place with these people.


    "Liam? Liam, please, answer me," a female voice whispered to Liam. His eyes opened with much difficulty, squinting to see in the darkness. "Liam? Come on, please let me know you're alive."

    "W-Where are we?" Liam asked groggily, lifting his hand to his head. He found out then that he was tied up, and he was not laying on the ground. Whatever he was leaning on started to move, making him realize he was tied up on someone's back.

    "Liam?" The girl asked, shifting. Liam felt a pull on his bound wrists, and he craned his neck to look at who he was tied to. "Liam, thank goodness you're awake. We've been kidnapped by Greg and Mr. Howl, remember? No, of course you don't. I'm stupid."

    "Danielle?" Liam asked, feeling her hair on his neck. Suddenly, a bright light was in their faces, Danny's face staring at Liam. "Danny?"

    "Hello, Payne," Danny chuckled, moving the lantern onto the ground. "Glad to see you're awake. How are you feeling? Just kidding, I don't care." Liam clenched his teeth. Danielle seemed to be talking to someone behind Liam, but he couldn't tell who when he was tied up to Danielle.

    "Danny, what are you doing?" Liam asked calmly, even though he wanted to punch the boy in front of him. Danny didn't answer him, he just stood up and grabbed a phone that was on a table in the distance. He didn't come back. Liam strained his brain to remember what had happened.

    He remembered struggling against Mr. Howl, wrapping his hands around the man's throat. Danielle had been fighting with Danny, rolling around on the floor. He hadn't seen Greg in a while, which couldn't have been good.

    Mr. Howl was thrashing around, pushing weakly on Liam's face. And then something was smashed over his head, and searing hot pain spread through his head and neck. His grip loosened and his eyes rolled back into his head. He fell limp, slipping into darkness.

    "Liam?" Danielle whispered, turning her head and talking ever so softly. "I've got one of my hands free, I'm going to try and get you. When I say what goes around cones around, you fight your way out of here."

    "What about you?" Liam asked, feeling her nimble fingers on his wrist. She didn't respond right away, working carefully at the bonds holding them together.

    "It doesn't matter about me, you need to get back to your friends, wherever they may be," she said, her voice strained, as if she didn't want the words coming out of her mouth to be true. Liam opened his mouth to speak, but Danny and Greg returned.

Hold Me Now (Ziall Fan Fiction) ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu