Chapter Twenty Nine- The found life

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Hmm Interesting.

"Eww close your mouth Matt while you're eating it looks gross."

"Soooo I was thinking lets just give my parents a ring and then maybe they can find us."

"You have your mobile with you and you never thought to call your parents before? Matt I'm quite disappointed in you."

Kat chuckled, "ahahahaha Matt."

"Don't you have a mobile yourself? You could've thought of it too." He points his finger accusingly at me.

"Yes, duh but mum made me keep it home so I could get in touch with nature of the 'outside world' instead of me spending hours on it."

"You make the call," said Matt shoving me his Samsung Galaxy. "Make sure you make it sound dramatic and that we find Kat too so that was a bonus."

"Yes peasant!"

"Don't most people say yes boss?"

"Yeah well I'm not most people."

"Can't you just make the damn call already?"

"Maybe if you had an iPhone it'd be a whole lot easier."

"You're just jealous you don't have a samsung galaxy s4."

"Ahahahaha I have the iPhone 5. Five is later than four ahaaaa"

"Wy don't you two just shut up!" Yells Kat. "Honestly guys! Fighting over mobiles."

Well yeah he does have a point but remember Matt's my arch nemesis.

"Shut up Kat."

"Shut up Eva."

"Shut up Matt."

"Shut up Eva."

"Shut up Kat."

"Can't you just shut up?"

"Can't you bloody just shut up?"

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up."

"Shut your mouth up."

This was really turning into the 'shut up' game.

And right in the middle of it, my dear brother Mitch gave me a slap on my shoulder and Matt's parents gave us a lecture about responsibility.

Ah this really sucks.


"The titanic." I groan.

"No, world war z." Argues Matt.

"Yeah world war z sounds better than the titanic."Agrees Kat.

"Two against one Beaver. So we're watching World War Z!" Matt throws a pillow in my face.

"No it's enough you get the bed all to your self, so there's no way in hell we're watching the Titanic." Whines Matt.

"We'll pick the theme park tommorow," reasons Kat, "the titanic isn't that bad. It's a classic after all."

"It's a classic after all." Matt mimics Kat. "I really don't like sweet Kat."

"We're watching World War Z and that's final!" Matt lifts up his arms in the air to do a victory dance but typically bangs me in the process.

Maybe I could see what Livy and Mitch are up to. Surely it'd be better than world war Z.

But then again, no.

They're probleby sucking at each others faces by now.

Eww, no thanks.

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