Why did Aiden have to take me? I wanted to go with Jessie because I could easily out smart him to let me skip the doctors visit.

"Why Aiden?" I asked him.

"I want to spend some time with Bianca." He wiggled his eyebrows. Eww.

Soon we heard the front door open and Aiden strolled in with a suitcase behind home.

"Hey, Corey?" He turned to me and I looked at him. "I'll put this upstairs and then we can leave." I nodded my head.

Oh god. I don't wanna go to the doctors. I have a phycological fear of needles. Yes, that's a thing. Not just the ones for shots. Knitting needles, push pins, anything thats skinny and sharp.

I heard Aiden come down the stairs and he soon stood in front of me. "You ready?" He gestured his hand to the front door.

I knew exactly what to do. If they wanted me to go to the doctors, they're gonna have to make me.

I then sat on the floor, in a criss cross position. I folded my arms and pursed my lips. "I'm not going to the doctors." I said simply.

I heard Jessie sigh and whisper something to Aiden. I knew they were going to try and force me into going.

I narrowed my eyes at them and thought 'Bring it on'.

Aiden's P.O.V

"We're going to have to find a way to get her in the car." Jessie whispered to me. I knew for fact that Corey was scared of the doctors so it didn't surprise me that she was acting like a stubborn five year old. I couldn't help but smile at the way she sat on the floor with her arms crossed.

I turned to Jessie and he winked at me. Corey gave us a confused and panicked look and in one quick motion, I grabbed her under her arms and Jessie her legs.

"Hey! This isn't fair! Let me down right now!" She stared squirming and me and Jessie carried her to the car. Once we got there, We tried pushing her in and she wouldn't budge. Her feet were planted firmly on the ground and she used her hands to stop her from going in the car.

I quickly got an idea and paused. I looked at Jessie and wiggled my fingers to share the idea. He nodded and we both started tickling Corey. She stared laughing and her body immediately became weak. Jessie quickly pushed her in and I made my way to the drivers seat. I put on the child's lock and Jessie closed the passenger door.

Corey tried opening the door but, of course it was locked. She glared at me. Jessie tapped on the window and mouthed 'Have fun.'

Corey turned to me again with a whiny expression. "Do we have to go to the doctors? Aiden, I don't want to go."

Aww, poor Corey. I swear if I looked at her any more longer, I would surely give in. I looked ahead and started the car. I started driving when I said, "It's okay, Corey. I'll be there the whole time."

"So? Theres still going to stab me and it'll probably still hurt." She exclaimed.

"Okay, let's make a deal, if you get the shot, I'll take you shopping. You can get anything you want, okay?" She thought about it before mumbling a fine.

Minutes later, we arrived at the doctors office and I'm not even going to explain how I got Corey out the car. I'll just say that it caused some awkward positions between the two of us.

We were currently sitting in the waiting room with Corey on my lap while my hands were around her waist. It was the only way to stop her from running away. Once I got her in this position, she didn't move since. I knew I had an affect on her and I loved that thought.

A lady in light blue came out the door and she had a clipboard in her hand. "Corey Hale." I felt Corey shift and she jumped up and tried to run away but I quickly caught her.

I had to carry her into the doctors room and she wouldn't stay still. You'd think that this be pretty embarrassing but I've been in the this situation before.

The lady showed us to the room and I put Corey down on the examine table or bed. Whatever it is.

I stood in front of the door so she couldn't go anywhere.

"Aiden..." She whined. I could tell she really was scared because every ten seconds, her nose would crinkle up and she couldn't keep her gaze focused. I internally frowned seeing Corey like that. I didn't want her to be scared.

The doctor came in after a few minutes. "Hello, it's nice to see you again Corey." I looked at the tag on his coat and it read 'Dr. Smith'. "You must be her boyfriend." He turned to me with a smile.

I shook my head. "I'm not her boyfriend." I looked over to Corey and I could tell she was having a internal anxiety attack. "I'm Aiden." He nodded his head at me.

The doctor went through all his paperwork and other things he had to do. When it was time for Corey to get her shot I went and sat next to her.

"I hate you for making me do this." She whispered as the doctor got the needle ready. I chuckled at her.

"Here, hold my hand." I held it out and she hesitated to take it. "If it hurts, which it won't, just squeeze it, okay?"

She pouted. "Fine." Her second voice came out. I guess she really was scared.

"Alright Corey, are you ready?" Dr. Smith asked holding up the needle.

Corey shook her head. "Not really."

"She'll be fine." I told the doctor. He moved to the right side of Corey and as the needle was near to her arm, she let out an ear piercing scream and gave my hand a hard squeeze.

Shit, that hurt.

"Corey, he didn't even touch you yet." I said incredulously.

"I know, I know. Okay, I'm fine now. I got this." Her voice still raspy.

The doctor tried again and she let out another scream and squeezed my hand again. Dr.Smith didn't stop though.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh.... Oh that doesn't hurt." She said calmly while the needle made contact.

I laughed at her. "See that wasn't so bad, was it?" I asked her. She shook her head. "I believe I owe you a trip to the mall." I told her.

She smiled at me and I think my heart dropped into my stomach.

Corey, what are you doing to me?

I Don't Like YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant