Chapter 40: "A couple more minutes daddy?"

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(Rita's outfit is in the external link & I'm putting Mels outfit on the sidebar)

Wesleys POV

"MJ come say bye to mommy." I yelled once I came back in from taking all of Mels things to the car. She was leaving today for about a month or so. She wasn't going to be gone for long but even five minutes without Mel to me seemed like five years.

"I don't want to!" MJ screeched from the livingroom, and I walked in there with Melanie following right after me.

"Why?" I asked

"'Cause" he answered

"That's not a reason MJ. Tell your mommy bye." I said more sternly and he crossed his arms across his chest and pouted.

"He's really upset with me. I can't go anymore Wes, I'll just call Rita." she whispered in my ear nervously

"No! You need to go. This is what you wanted, he's just a little upset." I suggested

"No .. he's pissed! Watch." she said pausing and walking over to MJ. "Give me a hug big guy. I'll see you soon, I promise." she told him and kissed his forhead and he moved away from her. She jumped back a little with surprise written all over her face.

"You're leaving me. I'm not your friend." MJ huffed getting up and walking away from her grabbing his teddy bear on the way. This kid wasn't even five yet, and he already had anger problems.

"Don't worry about it Mel. He'll want to call you later on, and everything'll be fine. Now go on before you miss the plane." I reassured as I kissed her forehead.

"Alright. I'l call you later." Mel replied walking out the door.

Once she pulled off, I went to go find MJ. I finally found him in the play room we made for him. He was sitting on the floor looking out the window. I bent down next to him, and looked out the window trying to find out what he was looking at since there wasn't a thing out there besides other houses, and trees.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked softly keeping my attention pinned on the tree across the street.

"Mommy." he said in a low voice. I sat down, and pulled him on my lap.

"She's coming back soon buddy."

"When?" he asked tilting his head as he looked me in my eyes.

"When she's done work." I promised


"I promise. Now let's go get some cookies." I answered and his eyes lit up and he took off running towards the kitchen.

Melanie's POV

I got to the airport and was immediately greeted by Rita.

"Hey love! How are ya'?" she asked hugging me

"I'm doing good." I replied as we walked onto the private plane that was waiting for us.

"You don't seem good. What's eatting ya' up?"

"My son is mad that I left. I gave him a hug and kiss, and he pulled away from me."

"Oh, I see. It's fine Melanie, all children are like that. Hell, I was like that. By the time my mum got back though, I was perfectly fine. I was just upset at the moment." she reassured as we buckled our seats take off began.


We've been flying for five hours. We were going to New York City to the Met Gala. I was pretty nervous, and I still didn't know what I wanted Rita to wear.

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