«Unfinished spell»

Start from the beginning

My tears about to fall, my mouth wrinkled in order to keep my sob in. I clenched my fist and tried to push her but she wouldn't budge. Finally my spit flew out of my mouth on to her flaming dark yellow eye. Once she let go to clean herself I seized this to escape from her. Her shrieking voice overflowing my ears with her yelling.

"Peridot!" She yelled ,I didn't bother to look back as I shuffled around the couch rapidly to look for my keys, though there wasn't enough time. Yellow Diamond was already dashing towards me with her fist ready to punch the shit out of me.

I run to the door and get to escape, I run and run. I never look back.

Nobody understands

"Hey...I understand." Huh? I glance around the place I got myself in to. Somehow I ran in to some creepy ally, the fog of 5:00 am passing by me.

"W-who's there?" I say to the nothingness surrounding me, maybe a house or two in the distance but nothing more. This place looked unfamiliar, I've never walked here.

"What? How could you forget about your best friend." A vague laugh came from behind me, I turn to my heel and a glowing circle caught my eye. The edges dripping with a black smoke while the middle glew with a tinted grey. I gulped.


"How have you been ,Peridot?" His voice has gotten deeper, it's been nine years since I've last heard anything come out of his mouth.

I consciously take the ends of my sweater and cover myself, backing away in some school pants and accidently stepping my shoes in a puddle. I glare at the figure taking place before me.

"I've been fine." I said coldly, suddenly my phone buzzed in my back pocket. "What...what happened to you? I thought you were-"

"Everyone thought I was." A vague chuckle from him, it made the hairs on the back of my head stand on end. "But aren't you glad to see me again?" He grew a wild smirk.

"I'm not sure anymore."

"Oh, c'mon, Peri, I could use a thief like you right now. Mind to join?" He took a step closer, stretching his hand out to me. I look at it, scratch and bumps, such imperfect hands, I look back up at him and slowly shook my head.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"What a shame... Once you said you would go everywhere with me."

"I'm not seven years old anymore." I snarled, this made him have an effortless laugh.

"Ahh I totally forgot, tsk. How's your leg doing?" He eyed at my right leg, a cloud of embarrassment rained over my head. My gaze quickly pinned itself to the floor. "Why the long face, mm? Will a flower brighten your day?" He smiled fakily, suddenly offering me a pretty daisy .I shot him a look of confusion before walking to him to take it.

Once the soft petals reached my hand, I retreaded from his close radious and backed away very fairly. He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Where have you been all of this time?" I questioned, looking down at the flower, "Where did they take you?" I raise my gaze up to him.

"Oh you know... Somewhere...doing my old magic tricks." His right eye glew along with a threatening grin on his lips. "I insist...come with me." He said politely... That's strange, well...he's always been very polite, a gentlemen, but I'm only scratching the surface.

"I said I'm not going anywhere with you." this made him widen his eyes.

"Those friend of yours have really made you weak, Peridot."

"They're not my friends...They're my family." I gripped the fragile daisy in my hand, the tears from before had dried out but new ones were surrounding my eyes.

"Too bad friends don't last forever."

"They're my family!"

"They are normal people!" He spat "You and me ,Peridot. We could've ruled the world, what happened to you?"

"I matured."

He sighed, hanging his head very irritatedly. "Don't use the ol' I matured and changed bullshit on me, it simply won't work."

"Scared of the truth?"

"Not at all...but it seems like you are..." He backed away, his silhouette fading away until I could barely see him. "Just remember ,Peridot." I could see his raging eye perfectly from here,

"We're both magicians."


Tsk. Seriously, Cartoon Network can't stop leaking stuff. Just today I saw the (SPOILER ALERT): Ruby photo from "in too deep".

So special thanks to Turtlescanwrite for giving this a shoutout! Go check their Love in the club book if you already haven't, it is some good stuff.

Anyways... Thank you! *does a backflip for no reason* that backflip tho


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