41- We are the Stupid

Start from the beginning

"Levi?" I tried again.

No reply.


He was moved off of me, onto the floor. Chris's hands pulled me into a sitting position. In front of me, laid Levi's motionless body. Blood seeped from where he was shot in his neck.

"And I aimed for the head."

I looked up. I'd forgotten, completely forgotten about the Kaiser. He was standing there, holding a small black gun in his hand. I knew the name, but I couldn't think of it. I-what was it? No, I don't remember.


His hair matched the color of the blood that fell in puddles around him.

I crawled in front of him, kneeling between him and the cruel man.

"Don't you dare," I growled.

"Oh, I wouldn't shoot him again," he said, giving me a kind smile that sent chills down my spine, "he's already dead. She, however, is not."

He pointed the gun above us. It fired again.

"No!" I screeched, like my voice could stop the inevitable.

I turned, watching it's path, as it hit Mila right in the heart, ending her instantly.

Hot tears burned my cheeks.


I turned back to the Kaiser, all my anger and rage built in one hand, one dagger.

"Oh, no you don't."

The gun went off again, hitting the blade hidden under my right wrist. It ricocheted, not braking the metal, but I could feel the bullet through the knife. The blade in my hand went flying and my hand went numb.

"Now you."

There was a fourth gunshot, this one besides me.

Chris cried out and fell to the ground.

I looked at him. It hadn't hit anything important, just his foot. Still, it must've hurt. He was laying on the ground weapons abandoned, cradling his foot.

"Still not to good at this," the Kaiser said, directing his cold eyes to me now. "Now that, that's the look I expect from someone like you. A murderer and a criminal. That look of cold abandonment. Anger, but for the world. You know, don't you? You've already lost."

He paused. I couldn't hear anything from outside, so the fighting was either over, or I just couldn't.

"Don't you see?" He continued. "You're a criminal. You were meant to loose."

He pointed the barrel of the gun at my head and took one step forward,

"You've lost."

Another step.

"There was no point in fighting."

Another step.

"Just pointless lives lost."

Another step,

He was only a foot away now.

"You're all alone now. You have no one to save you, no one to take the bullet for you. It's just you. There's no one who wants to save you anymore."

"You're wrong."


"I said, you're wrong."

He smiled, a small laughing rumbling deep in his chest. "Really? And what exactly about?"

"I haven't lost. There's still a reason to fight, because you're still alive, and there're always people who will fight people like you. And I'm not alone." I looked up, meeting his eyes. "Even if you shot me down now, it's too late. Because I'm not alone anymore. There are people out there, fighting for me, wanting a new life. And they'll never let you win.

"So, shoot me down here, if you want to, but know that you'll never win. People like you, never win. So shoot, fire away."

He smiled, his finger resting on the finger.

"It would be my honest ple-"

I kicked out, my right foot hitting his knee cap head on, with all my power. I heard the bone shatter. He fell to the ground with a thud.

The gun still fired, but I never felt it hit me.

"What? Did you think I'd make it easy for you?" I picked up the little gun from where it fell. "You have to remember something. I'm a dirty criminal, I don't have a code of honesty or anything like that. I'm not gonna wait for you to finish your long winded interlude of why and whining."

I pointed the gun at him.

"Another thing. I'm a bitch if you piss me off."

I fired the gun mere inches from his head.

His blood splattered onto my hands and clothes. A reminder of what happens when you're too cruel. But which one of us was really the cruel one? The murderer or the dictator? No, we were both dictators.

I turned back to Chris who was holding onto his foot.

"Let me see," I said, crawling over to him.

"Lena," he said, his voice rough. "You're bleeding."

"No fuck. I got pretty scraped up back there. At least I didn't take a bullet."

His hand came up, shaking and rested below my right shoulder. Just below the collar bone.

When he pulled back, his hand was soaked in blood.

I looked down.

I was shot and bleeding. Bad. I felt my body give a shake before I collapsed onto Chris.

"We're hurt," Chris said, into the ear piece. "Bad."

I was crying, my body shaking and cold. Unconsciousness was biting at the corners of my vision.

"Lena, stay with me."

I shook my head. "I wanna sleep."

"You cant sleep, okay?" Chris shook my shoulders. "If you sleep, there's a chance you wont wake up again."

"I know," I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut. "That's why I need to sleep."

His hands stayed on my shoulders, shaking me on and off. He was saying things, but I couldn't hear.

Sleep was so close that I could grab it. And I did.

My sleep was cold and dark, no light to guide me.

-Authors Note-

Next chapter's the last, everyone. I think at least. I'm not sure if it'll be the last or if there'll be something short after it.

Comment your thoughts.

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