Chapter Two

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She inhales sharply before spinning away.

"No!" I shout, startling us both. I grab hold of her arm, shivering at the coldness. Fighting off the desire to let go and rub my hands off on my pants, I tighten my grip. There was no way I was gonna lose her now, not after everything she put me through. I felt a surge of hope go through me. Once Mom and Charlie knew she wasn't really dead, they would let me back home!

She turns slowly, looking at me with wide eyes. Wide gold eyes. When did her eyes get gold? They were always chocolate brown. I shake my head and focus on her again.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Bella."

"Sang?" She whispers in shock.

"Mmmhm." I mumble, already searching the street for the entrance to the graveyard. There! Mom, Charlie and Phil were walking out now. I start trying to drag Bella towards them.

"Mom! Charlie! Look! I found-" Cold fingers pinch my neck and I fall back into an impenetrable darkness.


"What the hell Bella? I thought we weaned you off the human stuff a while ago." A deep teasing voice stirs me out of the inky blackness.

"Shut up Emmett. She was gonna blow my cover, I didn't know what else to do."

"So you knocked her out and drug her here? How are we supposed to trust a complete stranger in our home?" A sharp female voice rings out.

"I know it was impulsive Rosalie, and I'm sorry. But she's not a stranger, she's my sister. I haven't seen her for over eight years!"

"Bella, sweetheart, I thought you knew you had to sever all contact when we faked your death." The smooth male voice makes me want to go back to sleep, but I've heard enough. I jerk up in a sitting position, looking around wildly.

The beauty around me takes away my breath and immediately puts me on edge. There's only one way you can be that beautiful. I peer at the eight shocked faces closely, but don't see the obvious tell I'm looking for. My analysis is interrupted as Bella carefully steps forward.

"Hey Sang. Long time no see." She says somewhat timidly. I glare at her in response. There's time for relief and happiness at her being alive later, for now I was pissed.

I open my mouth to give her a piece of my eight years of bitterness, when a tall boy steps up beside Bella. His hand runs through tousled gold hair and his lips curl up into what I presume is a comforting smile.

"Hello, I'm Bella's husband, Edward. I know you must have many quest-" My gasp cuts him off.

"Husband? You don't look more than 19! And Bella is now.." I do a quick count in my head. "26." I falter, turning to peer at her more closely.

"You haven't changed at all though. You still look 18." I sit back down slowly as the buzzing in my head grows, telling me things I suspected from the beginning yet didn't want to acknowledge.

"Well she catches on quick." I think I hear someone murmur in the background.

The coldness of her skin. The change in eye color. The faked death. Looking like she hasn't aged a day. My breath becomes shallower in my chest.

"You're a vampire." I state shakily.

Even if I know they don't have to breathe, it's like all of the air is sucked out of the room in an audible gasp.

"Well I didn't think it would be that quick." The large buff one mutters.

I shoot out of my seat, running towards the nearest door. I know they would catch me, but I had to at least try. I feel air whoosh by and then I'm face to face with Bella as she blocks the door.

"Move." I growl out, internally hoping she would spare me. Nine years of sisterhood should be enough, right?

"No. Not until we can explain. Look, none of us will hurt you." She says calmly, reaching for my hand. I jerk it out of reach, scoffing.

"Yeah right! You're freaking vampires! Sister or not, I know what that shit does to people."

Bella cocks her head at me. "You do?"

"Yeah, how exactly did you figure that out so quickly?" A voice sounds behind me. I gulp. Buy time. Time for what? Not quite sure.

I turn slowly, addressing the room of too beautiful creatures. "Um, well. She hasn't aged one bit. Her skin is freezing. You faked her death," I tick off each on my fingers. "Oh yeah, and her eyes are gold instead of brown." I scrunch my nose up and tilt my head. "Although they should be red. Not really sure how you guys managed gold. Contacts probably. Though if you're looking for normal, gold is not it..." I trail off, not realizing the gaping stares I'm receiving.

"May I ask how you were able to gather such accurate information on our species?" A young blonde man asks with a hint of awe.

"Will it spare me my life?" I joke nervously.

"I already told you, none of us will hurt you." Bella walks by me with an eye roll. "We don't feed on human blood."

I cringe, hearing my sister utter those words is not something I ever imagined.

"She's right. We only feed on animal blood, which is why our eyes turn gold, not red." The husband -- Edward? -- says with arms crossed. He's staring at me intently, a frown line appearing between his brows.

"Dad? Mom? What's going on? Who's this?" My gaze shifts to the new form standing in the doorway. She's gorgeous and sweet looking. Then again, so is Bella. The vampire. I shiver and tune back into the conversation.

"Renesmee, honey, this is your Aunt Sang." Bella smiles affectionately.

Hold up. Did she just- "What?! She's your daughter? But. She looks like she's my age! And vampires can't reproduce, how is this possible?" I stutter out, looking between the family. The girl -- Renesmee -- smiles brightly at me. She begins walking towards me.

"Here, I'll show you!" She raises her hand and I flinch back. But her fingers only come to rest softly on my cheek. Though cold, she's not as repulsively freezing as the others.

I gasp as sudden visions fill my head, detailing her experiences from birth on. I shiver as the Volturi make an appearance. They definitely look like they have more power than Vlad let on.

The visions slow down and come to an end. I blink up at everyone. "Well. That was interesting." I breathe.

"Who is Vlad?" Edward wonders, looking at me closely.

I freeze.

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