Chapter 29|And In The End Id do it all again

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Brendon's POV

I woke up in Ryan's room with Sarah asleep on my lap sleeping soundly. I grabbed my phone and went on to Instagram and and had a flood of messages from fans.

Are you and Sarah dating? Are you and a fan dating? Who's the girl you left the meet and greet with? All flooding my Instagram and Twitter.

I took a picture of Sarah asleep on my lap with the caption, yes the rumors are true, Sarah and I are dating. I wrote Sarah smiles about her because of our past but it's official now. #brerah I shut my phone off and Layed back till Ryan woke up.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" I ask as he slowly sits up.

"Ehh, as good as a fangirl attacked guitarist can get." He says groggily.

"I'm going to go get breakfast from McDonald's, cuz the breakfast her... Kinda sucks. You want anything?" I ask.

"Oooh! I want a potato cake thing!" Sarah says shooting up from my lap.

"Good morning, babe." I say emphesising on the word "babe" because that's what I get to call her. It's pretty cool.

"You want anything ry?" I say kicking Sarah off my lap and standing up.

"Um, oatmeal and some orange juice?" He says.

"That's fine. Sarah you wanna come with me? The nurses are probably coming soon and going to have to kick you out anyway." I say grabbing my wallet and phone.

"Sure, babe." She says as she collects her things and puts on her shoes.

Sarah's POV

Brendon and I left Ryan's room around 9 and got a cab. We drove away in silence before Brendon spoke up.

"I'm glad you're mine." He says giving me a peck on the cheek and smiling.

"Me too." As I lay my head into his shoulder.

"Hey, we're here." He says what seems like seconds later. We thanked out cab driver and walked in.

"Hi,how can I help you?" The cashier says as we walk up to the counter.

"Um, can we have a sausage McBiscuit, a hashbrown, and some orange juice and then an Icecream cone?" Brendon says politely to the cashier.

"An ice cream cone?" I say turning my head to him with a questioned look.

"Hey I want ice cream ok?!" He says defensively.

"Ok, ok... You do you." I say pulling out my wallet.

"No, no, no... Let me pay, it's McDonald's and I'm famous. I can scrap some change together." He says pulling out his wallet.

"Ok, that's fine." I respond putting my wallet away and smirking. Hey, I've got a famous rich boyfriend. But that's not why I love him.

"Ok, that'll be 7.38." The cashier says. Brendon pulls out his credit card and hands it to her to let her swipe it. He hands it back and tells us to go to the end of  the counter to wait. We head over.

We arrived back at the hospital about 20 minutes later after being caught in some bad traffic. We knocked on Ryan's door and he responded lightly, "Come in." We walked in and he was laying in his bed and had his little bed table on his lap and had a glass of water and was ready for his food, he looked Hungry.

"We got you your food!" Bren says excitingly.

"Yay! Gimme, gimme, gimme!" Ryan says like a 10 year old.

We gave out the food and sat back to relax and eat. While we were eating I called dallon to see if he could fill in.

"Hey, I know this is crazy but could you fill in for Ryan Ro-"


"Well Ryan go beat up by some crazy fan girl and we need a lead guitarist for a week. Could you fill in?"

"Was my reaction earlier not good enough for you?" He asks.

"Ok. So um that's a yes." I say slightly unsure.

"Yes!" He says remarkably loud.

"Ok, I'll have Brendon call you later for more info and stuff. See you later." Say and then hang up and lean into Brendon's shoulder. I love him.

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