Chapter one|Head Over Heals

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Now, don't get me wrong... I want to be normal... I just can't. He makes me crazy. Crazy. I'm head over heals for him and I'm well... A nobody. He probably doesn't remember me. He doesn't even know my name. I know his, and everything about him.

His name; Brendon. Brendon Urie. He sits in front of me in all my classes. We never talk. But I don't need that. I just need him. Him and only him. We met 1 and 1/2 years ago. 9th grade. I remember it like it was yesterday.


Best friend💘
Hey, what class you in? I'm legit dying in science wtf Mr.O I don't care about this shit...

He walked passed me, reading my message with a smirk. I saw his face and smiled back. He asked me what I was smiling at and luckily, the bell rang. I knew from that point, I wanted him. Crazy right? Anyway,I couldn't tell him the truth, no way. He's one of the most popular boys in school. He doesn't have a girlfriend (luckily) because he broke up with the one he had been on and off with. Apparently, it's for good.

He sat down in front of me in our next class and turned his head back.

"What were you smiling at?" His adorable dimples showing proudly as he chucked and looks at me, waiting for an answer.

"Just her text."

"Uh-huh... Whatever." He says as he turns around to start taking notes.

That was the lastly time we really had a conversation. I just want to hang out and talk. Have a deeper conversation than the only real one we had. It's a weird thing to want but, if it's with him then I'm fine. That's never going to happen though, so I end up dreaming about it. Just like I dream about him.

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