Chapter 12|sugarwere going down(onto the ground of hot topic)

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Sarah's POV

I feel like it was something more... I just feel like it want he was sorry. He told me that before and ughh... I just need some space. I just am really confused right now. I decided to go to the mall and of course go to hot topic. I walked in and ran into someone familiar.

Roses POV

I was really bored so I decided to go to hot topic. As I'm leaving with two new fall out boy shirts I ram into someone who was on their phone. We both fell down. I got up and offered to help her up. She was wearing a black fall out boy shirt, a red,blue and white flannel, black skinny jeans and black high top converse. She had on a black choker and black studded earrings. She looked familiar... As if I had seen her before... All of a sudden it hit me...

"Sarah?!" I say.

"OMG rose!" We run to each other and hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever."

"Well how's it been?"

"Good. Would you like to maybe hang out or something?" She asks.

"Absolutely. Boy do we have some catching up to do. How about Starbucks... Like right now? I've got nothing to do..."

"Sure lets go." She says. We walk off together.

Sarah's POV

You're probably wondering who rose is. She was my best friend. Like we were soooooo close is 2nd grade. She then moved away. Turns out she moved back for her dads work and likes everything I like. Same clothes, music, opinions. Like for example, We both think two people isn't a band. (A/N IM SORRY PLZ DONT HATE ME I LOVE TØP OK SORRRRRY)  I decided to tell her about Brendon and ya know the whole fake dating thing . She was in shock but then gave me a hug. 5 hours later it ended up to be around 8 and the mall was closing. I asked her if she wanted to sleepover at my house. She said yes and I called my parents and she called hers. Both of our parents were so happy we reunited. I had her follow me to my house and she just borrowed my stuff. We're the same size. Running into rose made what I'm going through so much easier.Now I've got TWO special people in my life. Things have changed for me. But that's ok.


GUYS I JUST GOT A TUMBLR AND YOU SHOULD SO GO FOLLOW ME CUZ I HAVE 0 FOLLOWERS!1!1!1!1! It's Olivia-Urie so um yeah random little A/N but um 60 views WAT? Oh and um can someone tell me what the stars mean cuz I have 5 of those and I want to know. I'm kinda new to the wattpad community😂

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