Chapter four|Happiness...sorta

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Sarah's POV

Today in science we had to get lab partners. Since everyone in my class is a jerk I didn't want one we still had to get one so I thought I'd be partners with... Brendon. Of course. Luckily today Brendon was absent so I got to avoid awkward small talk with my all time crush. My best friend kaet comes over to me.

"Hey, you partners with bren?"

"Yes, me and imaginary Brendon are lab partners." I respond sarcastically. She laughs.

"Just text him." She says with a blank expression on her face.

"Yeah! Cuz that's so normal of me to text my crush out of the blue like heyyyyyyyyy ya wanna be lab partners? Oh and while we're at it lets get married!"

"I never said to get married jeez ms.sensitive over here."  Just then my good friend Dallon comes over and starts to talk to me and kaet. Kaet walks off with Dallon. They're partners. Soooooo, yeah uhm I guess I have to text bren. Mr.O says we need to report our partners to him before the end of class.

Brens POV

Currently at home barfing my breakfast. Sounds disgusting but life happens, I guess. Bored as hell I decided to play some video games. Right as I turn on the tv I got a text. Probs from spence asking where the hell I am.

*Sarah *
Hey, it's sarah. I know this is out of the blue and the fact that we don't talk doesn't help but would you like to be lab partners? If not that's fine.

Sarah's POV
"Annnnnnd send!" I say to myself. Really hoping he at least reads it I put my phone into my bag. Mr.O reads off the partners.

"Any one who doesn't have a partner stay with me after class. I'll pair you up accordingly"

"Yayyyyyy!" I mumble under my breath. The only other people who don't have a partner and smelly spencer (not the one Brendon is in a band with. That spencer is pretty damn hot. Not as hot and adorable as bren) and Jayden. Idk who he even is.

I grab my phone back out of my bag. I got a reply. Holy shit.

Sure. I'm sure this experience will help us learn more about each other.


"Uhm Mr.O I just got a partner!"

"And that is?"

"Brendon Urie." I say with confidence. Brendon's ex steps out of nowhere. Like i don't even know if she's in this class. Like actual nowhere. Ughh that bitch.

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