Chapter 15|I wanna be known, by you...

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Dallons POV

Kaet in a coma, it's going to be the death of me. That's not how I want to go. I love her so much and I can't let her go. She can't be dead. She has so much to live for. So much to do in her life. We were both going to go see fall out boy, my all time favourite band together. I mean she is far to young to die. It's been 48 hours since me and Sarah checked up on her. The doctors said she needed to be medicated and no friends or family could be in the room until future notice. Please, kaet... Wake up?

Sarah's POV

Brendon just called, he explained everything. I still like him and all but I know he's moved on. He's in LA where models live and all that stuff. I mean, me compared to someone who's... Not me. I miss him a lot. We've cleared the air and are still friends. We kinda let go of the whole fake dating thing. What were we doing? I don't know. Rose has a boyfriend now... Someone named Kenny? Idk. She's in Hawaii with him and his family, Kaets in a coma, Brendon is halfway across the county and dallon is a nervous wreck. And I'm a hopeless mess.

Brendon's POV

I told Sarah everything. Except for the fact that we're going on a world tour in a month. I'm not sure how to tell her that. By the time we get back we won't have seen each other for a year and a half. She's probably going to give up on me. I didn't tell her that I love her on the phone. Because I'm not sure if I do anymore. What I'm trying to say is that, well I haven't seen her in 5 months. And I just it's been to long. I'm not sure anyone. I'm never sure.

Sarah's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. The beautiful sound of Patrick stumps voice fills the room. I turn it off and climb out of bed and go over to my closet. I found a black and white striped shirt and black jeans. I put on my red High top converse and went to the bathroom to do my makeup. A little foundation, A little concealer powder and some black liner to top it off. I don't wear a lot of makeup but the eyeliner usually makes it look like more than it is. I went downstairs to my kitchen and grabbed some cereal and the milk. I poured my cereal into a glass bowl and then put some milk in as well. I went back into my room and ate while I watched the TV.

New stories from LA: band Panic! At The Disco going on their first world tour.

Nearly spit my cereal out of my mouth. I grabbed my phone and called Brendon right away.


"So where's you first stop in your world tour?"

"Oh shiiiiiiiiit..."


Oh boiiiii! Sarah found out Brendon! Hope you all liked this one. And I'm almost at 100 views! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL YOU ALL DESERVE A MINI RYAN ROSS💘❤️

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