Chapter 8|ready to go?

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*One Month Later*

Sarah's POV

It's been a month since we started fake dating. It's made us even closer and I've fallen in love with him even more. Just everything. But the best part is Alex. OMGGGGG. We walk into class holding hands and she gives us a I want to barf look. It's legit hilarious. Things have gone pretty good. Brendon and I are like best friends who fake date to get his ex girlfriend jealous. But nothing more than that. It's killing me.

Beebos POV

It's been a month of fake dating. I think I might ask her out for real now. I'm so in love with her. Her smile, her laugh, the way she acts when she gets mad, her everything. Words can't describe how much I want her to be mine. For real. Tomorrow I'm going to do it. Then I'll know if she really likes me. I'm so nervous.

*That Night*

"Brendon! Somebody special is on the phone!" My mom yells. I run down from my room. I snatch the phone from my mom. She did not look that happy. Oops? whatever.

"Hi, are you Brendon urie from Panic! At The Disco?"

"Yes sir." The voice sounded familiar. I was already confused because very few people know about my band. Just my parents, Alex (ugh), Sarah and well maybe Pete wentz because we sent a sample CD in but we didn't think he would listen.

"I'm Pete wentz from fall out boy. We heard your cd and we think you have serious potential. Would you and your band like to come to California to discuss further progress in the music industry?"

"Yes! Yes! One million times yes!"

"We're pretty booked. Is there any chance you could come down tomorrow?"

"Yes. We'd love too. I'll call the rest of the band and we'll be down there tomorrow."

"Perfect. See you then. Patrick is really excited to meet you. He says you have great vocals."

"Who was that sweetie?" My mom asks.

"Oh ya know just Pete wentz from fall out boy saying he liked our CD and wants us to come to LA tomorrow to discuss maybe getting signed and other boring stuff." I say sarcastically.


"Thank you so much mom. I love you." I give her a hug and run upstairs. I immediately grab my phone and call Ryan.

"GET YOUR STUFF NOW! WERE GOING TO CALIFORNIA TO MEET WITH PETE WENTZ ABOUT OUR CD! HE ACTUALLY LISTENED TO IT! WERE GOING TOMORROW!!!" I hung up and called Spence and Jon. I kinda screamed a bit too much. Whatever. I start packing. I grabbed like half of my closet, and like all my underwear,practically packed my shower and gotta get that hair gel.

Ehh I've got enough to cover me, I think. As I head down for dinner, I realize my plan for tomorrow, needs to happen tomorrow. We leave at lunch. I ate my dinner in my room. I wanted to practice for tomorrow. By the time I was done it was 11pm. My mom comes in and tells me it's time for me to go to bed. I get all ready and hop into my bed. Tomorrow is a big day. Get some sleep. And like a flash I'm out cold.


lolzz dis is a long chapter but ya um I hope you is liking it. I've gotten like one read on more than one chapter so yaaaaa! Ok I sound like a 2 year old. Bye fam.

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