chapter 7|ill fake you out

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Sarah's POV

Ok so today is me and Brendon's first day as fake boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm really exited to kick that bitches face. I mean I'm not really doing it but I am so ready to anger her. She sooooooooooo deserves it.

Brens POV

We walk into our first class holding hands. Djdiandekenddieisejeje! Did I just girly squeal? No. Well maybe, by not the point. Anyway, we walk in and Sarah's face OMIGOD it was priceless. Her jaw drops and her eyes bulge open as if she's a fly. I so wish I got that on video.


"We're dating. So bye. And she is not a loser she's beautiful" and I meant it. I'm sure Sarah didn't know it. She just stood there.

Sarah's POV

He called me BEAUTIFUL?! Whatever. He didn't mean it. It was just a cover to make us look like a real couple. We walk over to a table with our hands intertwined and boy was I living the dream. I sit down next to him and look up at the teacher. She's talking about the agenda for that day and blah blah blah.  Alex's keeps shooting me evil glares and boy is she mad Omigod it's the best thing ever. Now if only this was real.

Ok guys. Super short chapter but trust me it will get better. So how are you guys liking this. I've only got 10 views but I am really happy. Sorry I get exited really easily. Hope you guys are liking it so far.

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