Chapter : 1

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As I walked in the class, I noticed this really shy, yet very beautiful girl. I've never seen her here before. She had long brown hair and green eyes. Her makeup was done so well, it almost looked as if she was a beautician.

However,  I noticed something strange about her. She was very quiet, also the way she dressed stood out to me. She wore really long sleeves and jeans, although it was summer. For the whole lesson she didn't talk to anyone. I didn't want to be rude or to annoy her, so I just adored her from distance.

At break, I saw her sitting by her self with headphones in. I was with my friends, and as I was about to go up to her and say hi to get to know her, some 'popular' kids went up to her. Of course, as populars, they had to be rude.
"So, you're the new girl huh?" Said one of them to her
"Yeah?" she replied very quietly, though her voice was so beautiful.
"And what is your name?" Another one asked. It took forever until she finally replied.
"Sophie? Well, Sophie, where are your friends? Oh wait...I forgot you're new so you don't have any." All of them started laughing at her. I felt like I should help her somehow, but I was frozen in the spot.
"Can you leave me alone?" Sophie demanded, again very quietly.
"Why would we?" They said as she got up and was about to walk away. One of them grabbed her by the jumper, and pushed her down. Her sleeves went up revealing her biggest secret.
"What are those scars?" One of the girl asked.
"GUYS! Come over here. This girl self-harms! Attention seeking whore" the other one called out to everyone in the corridor. I could see the tears forming in Sophie's eyes, but she kept it together. She brushed it off and decided to walk away from them. I went straight after her.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, I heard a faint cry which I assumed was hers.
"Hello?" I called out; No answer. "Hello? I saw what happened, I'm so sorry, I want to help you and to see if you're okay" I said to get her trust. I looked around even more and then I saw her. Her make up was running down her face from how much she cried. "There" I passed her some tissues and sat down next to her.
"Thank you" she tried to smile but failed.
"Don't worry about it" I said while smiling at her. She was very shy and didn't say much, but looking at her up close made me realise her beauty even more.
"Thank you for coming to see if I'm okay.." Sophie said really shyly.
"It's okay, don't worry, I'm always here if you need anything" I said and smiled again. "My name is Jack, by the way" I shaked her hand as I told her my name. She laughed a bit; her laugh was the best thing I ever heard.
"I'm Sophie"
"I know, we have maths and English together, also I saw the show just now" I replied, and stared at her.
"That's not the first time it's happened-" she let out and paused for a bit and looked at me "Anyway, thanks for helping me...I got to go" she said and got her stuff and left. I don't know why she was so shy, but I knew I had to find out more about her.
My lesson before lunch was finally over. When lunch started, I immediately went to the place where Sophie was at break.

"Hey there" I said to her, she smiled shyly at me.
"Hey. I'm sorry about break, I'm not good with, you know, new people" her voice sounded like an angel.
"Oh don't worry about it" I replied understanding her.
"Hey, I noticed that badge on your bag. Is that a band?" I asked her curiously.
"Yeah, it's my favourite rock band" she replied, without looking at me.
"Oh I see. So you like rock then?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.
"Of course!" she replied cheerfully for the first time. We were talking about music when the bell cut us off.
"I'll see you in English and maths tomorrow" I stated to her and waved to signalise goodbye.
"Yeah, see you!" she waved back and walked away.

(Sophie's point of view)

It's not even been a week in, and I already hate my school. If it wasn't for my mom who made us move, I would never leave my old school. The people in my present school are horrible to me already. Apart from Jack; he seems nice. He's got black hair and blue eyes. He is also quite tall. He helped me when the popular kids attacked me, which was really sweet of him.

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