"Christopher. I, uh, don't know my last name." Jason said, softly.

"Very well then. Case #247, Carter May vs. Jason Christopher. Court is now in session."

"We call Vylad Ro'Meave to the stand." Carter's lawyer said. Vylad got up suspiciously and went to go sit next to the Judge.

"Mr. Ro'Meave," The lawyer spoke. "Is it true that you were there that night?"

"Yes." Vylad said firmly.

"And is it true that you also did not see what had happened, just the aftermath?"

"Er- Yes." Vylad said, worriedly.

"Can you describe what Jason had looked like when you saw them?"

"He looked hurt. He had bruises and a black eye. His shorts were unbuttoned and he was about to take off his underwear before I showed up." Vylad said, on the verge of tears.

"Me. Ro'Meave, can you describe the relationship you currently have with Jason?"

"Um, we're in a romantic relationship." Vylad said, blushing lightly.

"I see. Your honor, I have come to the conclusion that since Vylad Ro'Meave is romantically involved with Jason, and also wasn't there when the assault was taking place, that Vylad Ro'Meave is an unreliable source." Carter's lawyer finished.

"WHAT?!" Vylad and Jason yelled at the same time.

"Are there any objections?" The judge asked.

"Of course there are objections!" Jason's lawyer shot up.

"Save it, Jenny. Since Mr. Ro'Meave is romantically involved with Jason, he would make an unreliable source. No further point to prove." Carter's lawyer spat at her. She thought about it and sat down in defeat. Jason whispered to her.

"Is there nothing you can do?!" Jason whispered worriedly.

"I'm afraid not." Jenny said.

"No further questions." Carter's lawyer said.

"You may step down. Mr. Autumn is done with you." The judge said. Vylad hurried and sat next to Jason, holding his hand.

"We call Jason to the stand." Mr. Autumn said, and I saw Jason stand up and nervously walk over to sit next to the judge.

"Jason, were you familiar with Carter before the party?" He said to him.

"No." Jason said firmly.

"What were you wearing that night?" Mr. Autumn asked him.

"OBJECTION! What Jason was wearing has nothing to do with this case!" Jenny shouted.

"Sustained." The judge said.

"Jason, where did you get the bruises?"

Jason started to tear up.

"He hit me. Repeatedly." Jason said, shakily.

"Do you have any proof that those bruises where punches and not hickeys?"

"N-no." Jason said.

"Describe what happened that night."

"I was going to a party after Vylad texted me. I got ready and went inside once I arrived. I was looking for him when Carter approached me. He gave off a bad vibe and tried hitting on me. I left as soon as I asked him to get some punch. After I left the room, a guy next to me threw up, so I decided to leave immediately. I would have talked to Vylad the day after. I was walking down the alley, which is a shortcut to my house, when Carter ran out of the house and stopped as soon as he was a few feet in front of me. I tried to walk away but he grabbed me and pinned me to a wall. I slapped him because he was starting to hurt my wrist, hoping that I could have gotten away from him, but he tightened his grip and started hitting me. He pulled me and slammed my back and head on the brick wall a few times before he threw me to the ground. He got on top of me and hit me a few more times. He took my wrists in one hand and started sexually abusing me. He almost r-r-raped me until Vylad showed up. Together, we managed to subdue him and call the police." Jason said.

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