telling Jacob

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"How could you keep something like this from us for so long?" I started to yell out to my mother. I was really angry that she's only telling us now.

"Sweetie, I didn't want to upset you guys right away so I waited to tell you." She tried to explain. I wouldn't have been so mad if she told me in advance.

"Yes Sadie. Your mother just didn't want to make you guys all sad during school and other things. So she's telling you now. We have to move before Monday so let's get packing." I lifted my hands up and put them over my face as I started to cry. I don't want to move away. What would Jacob say?

I stormed up the stairs so fast that I tripped over one. My mom rushed over.

"Sadie be careful honey. Look, let's talk about this more." She rested her hand on my shoulder and rubbed it. I took my hand and snatched hers away from mine. "Get off of me!" I got up and went to my room. I shut the door as loud as I could to warn people that wanted to come up not to mess with me.

I threw myself on my bed, still crying. How can my dad and mom expect me to just move away like that? If my mom told me earlier, we wouldn't have to go with my dad. Hell, I'd even stay with my uncle that I hate. I don't hate him as much as I do my dad. I don't deserve this.

I got out my phone and scrolled through my contacts to 'jacob<3' and hovered over his name. I debated for a minute if I wanted to call him or not right now. I decided to because I needed a sense of comfort right now, and jacob knows how to do that well.

After 3 rings he picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey jacob." I tried to sound as calm as possible so he wouldn't think anything is wrong.

"Oh hey Sadie, what's up?" Good, he didn't sense anything.

"Yeah, about that. Can you come over? I really need to talk to you."

"Sadie you're scaring me. Are you okay?" He asked with a serious tone.

"No I'm really upset. Just come over okay?" I hope he understands.

"Okay I'll be there in 5. Love you."

"Love you too thank you." I repeated after him.

"Oh and Jacob?" I almost forgot to ask him this.


"Can you come through the window to my room instead of the front door?" I didn't want my dad to meet Jacob right now, he was still downstairs with my mom and Mason.

"Yeah anything for you. But why?" I sighed.

"I'll explain it all when you get here."

"Ok bye." And with that he hung up.

A few minutes later, Jacob comes through my window quietly. I quickly run up to him and hug him tightly. Even though it hasn't been that long since I saw him, I missed him to death. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes.

I pulled away and grabbed her wrist, leading her to her bed. We sat down and I looked up at her. We made eye contact and her eyes were full of sadness. "Do you want to talk about it?" I finally asked after a few moments of silence. She looked up and nodded and I laced our fingers together while waiting for her to explain.

I met this boy..//A Jacob Sartorius FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now